

On the improvement of power conversion efficiencies of parametric arrays
摘要 针对参量阵转换效率低的问题,提出了一种通过调节声源表面声阻抗率从而提高转换效率的方法。该方法依据描述声波非线性的Kuznetsov方程,首先通过分析方程中拉格朗日密度对参量阵差频波的影响,获得了拉格朗日密度与声源表面声阻抗率之间的关系式,得出了通过调整声阻抗率可以提高参量阵转换效率的结论。随后提出了利用穿孔板改变声阻抗率的方法,并通过数值仿真验证了该方法的有效性。结果表明,通过在声源周围布置声穿孔板可以改变声阻抗率从而提高参量阵的转换效率。 Due to the low power conversion efficiency of parametric array,a method proposed in this paper can be used to improve the power conversion efficiencies of parametric arrays by adjusting the specific acoustic impedance.The Kuznetsov equation that describes parametric arrays is first studied,and the influence of Lagrangian densities on difference-frequency waves is analyzed.And the relationship between the Lagrangian density and the acoustic impedance is obtained.Subsequently,the method of arranging perforated plates around the parametric array to adjust the acoustic impedance is proposed.The proposed method is validated through numerical simulations.The results show that this method can improve the power conversion efficiency of the parametric array by using perforated plates to change the acoustic impedance.
作者 陆智淼 孟进 王波 赵治华 胡安琪 LU Zhimiao;MENG Jin;WANG Bo;ZHAO Zhihua;HU Anqi(National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System Technology,Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430000)
出处 《声学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期515-523,共9页 Acta Acustica
关键词 Kuznetsov方程 拉格朗日密度 参量阵 差频波 Kuznetsov equation Lagrangian density Parametric array Difference frequency wave
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