
微生物菌肥对养殖底泥中重金属含量和微生物群落结构及功能的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Microbial Fertilizer on Heavy Metal Content,Microbial Community Structure and Function in Aquacultural Sediment
摘要 相对于人为施用的化肥、农药、抗生素及饲料等会污染养殖环境,导致养殖生态系统失衡,损害水产养殖健康发展,微生物菌肥具有改善养殖环境、提高水产养殖动物产量的作用。然而,微生物菌肥对养殖底泥中重金属含量和微生物群落结构及功能的影响仍未知。通过测定施加微生物菌肥前后养殖底泥的理化特性、重金属含量、细菌和真菌微生物群落结构及功能等,深刻剖析微生物菌肥对养殖底泥中重金属含量和微生物群落及功能的影响。结果表明:施加微生物菌肥后养殖底泥中有机质、氨氮、有效磷和总磷等营养化合物含量均有所下降;施加微生物菌肥前养殖底泥中重金属锰、砷、铜、汞和镉的含量均超过中国土壤重金属背景值,施加微生物菌肥后底泥中这五种重金属的含量分别下降了22.81%、11.93%、22.73%、20.84%和18.00%,并能使底泥中锰、铜和镉的含量恢复到正常水平;施加微生物菌肥前后养殖底泥中微生物群落结构及功能具有明显的差异,施加微生物菌肥后底泥中Chloroflexi,Proteobacteria,Firmicutes等能诱发河道水华、黑臭和耐重金属细菌的丰度下降了10.41%~34.01%,Chytridiomycota、Ascomycota和Basidiomycota等致病真菌的丰度降低了77.21%~88.79%。可见,微生物菌肥能有效改善水生态系统平衡和养殖环境,降低水产养殖产品的发病概率,该研究结果可为水产养殖生态修复治理提供理论依据。 Compared with artificial application of chemical fertilizers,pesticides>antibiotics and feeds that pollute the aquaculture environment,lead to imbalance in the aquaculture ecosystem,and harm the healthy development of aquaculture,microbial fertilizer can improve the aquaculture environment and increase the yield of aquacul ture animals.However,the effect of microbial fertilizer on heavy metal con tent and microbial community structure and function in aquacultural sediment is still unknown.This study conducts a profound analysis of the effects of microbial fertilizer on aquacultural sediment by determining the physicochemical characteristics,heavy metal content,structure and function of bacterial and fungal communities before and after its application.The results show that the nutrient compounds such as total organic carbon,NH_(4)^(+)effective phosphorus,total phosphorus of sediment after the application of microbial fertilizer decrease.The content of heavy metals such as Mn,As9Cu,Hg and Cd in the aquaculture sediment exceeds the background value of heavy metals in Chinese soil before adding microbial fertilizer,decreases by 22.81%、11.93%、22.73%、20.84%,and 1&00%respectively after adding microbial fertilizer,and that of Mn,Cu,and Cd can be restored to normal level.There are significant differences in microbial communities before and after the use of microbial fertilizer.The heavy metal-resistant bacteria such as Chloroflexi 9 Proteobac-teria,and Firmicutes which can induce river flushing and black odor in the substrate after the addition of bacterial fertilizer decrease by 10.41%-34.01%,and Chytridiomycota,Ascomycota,Basidiomycota and other pathogenic fungi decrease by 77.21%-88.79%.The research results show that microbial fertilizer can effectively improve the balance of water ecosystem and aquaculture environment,and reduce the chance of disease o£aquaculture products.The research can provide some theoretical basis for aquaculture ecological restoration and management.
作者 何明皇 习文祥 王丹 潘红忠 祝贤彬 刘紫薇 HE Minghuang;XI Wenxiang;WANG Dan;PAN Hongzhong;ZHU Xianbin;LIU Ziwei(Hubei Key Laboratory of Petroleum Geochemistry and Environment,Yangtze University,Wuhan 430100,China;School of Environmental Studies,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan 430078,China)
出处 《安全与环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期234-243,共10页 Safety and Environmental Engineering
基金 湖北省教育厅科学技术研究计划青年人才项目(Q20211310)。
关键词 微生物菌肥 养殖底泥 重金属 微生物群落结构和功能 microbial fertilizer aquacultural sediment heavy metal microbial structure and function
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