Chinese animated films based on the transformation of tradi-tional myths as the center,form the narrative trend of the modern rewriting of traditional myths and the mythological narrative of modern life.According to the story attribute and cultural memory storage efficiency of the traditional.myth,they touch the human spiritual world in the reproduction of the myth significance,and reshape the new myth in the structural simulation of the modern world,generate the basic path of the modern myth narrative.Based on this,Chinese animated film reshape time and space to build a new form of modern myth.With the reset of characters and their relationship with the world,they reset the theme of the traditional myth,construct new myth meaning correlation mechanism with a new symbol and symbol world,thus complete the traditional myth coding,roughly build a cultural symbol system of modern myth.The production of modern myth of Chinese animated films not only reveal the ancient myth meaning system in modern society,but also inspire us that if we can connect the symbolic and metaphorical thinking and the way of meaning creation of traditional myth with modern life and technol-ogy science fiction imagination,we will better help in today's cultural pro-duction and constructing the world of meaning.
Media Criticism
Chinese Animated Film
Myth Narrative
Modernity Imagination
Cultural Symbol System