

The Formation,Reality,and Governance of“Favela”:the Case of Salvador de Bahia,Brazil
摘要 长期以来,巴西巴伊亚州首府萨尔瓦多市存在着较为突出的社会经济不平等问题,阶层分化在城市空间形成社会隔离。在作为贫民窟的“法维拉”社区内,贫困、失业、公共健康、毒品走私、暴力犯罪以及空间隔离措施诱发的社会矛盾较为尖锐,对城市发展带来的不良影响日益凸显,致使对抗性的社会运动不断发生。多年来,萨尔瓦多市政府尝试通过住房政策干预来化解“法维拉”及其引发的社会问题,但是社会发展中的内部结构性矛盾并没有因此得到根本性的解决,而外部住房政策与经济生产联系、社会文化背景和弱势群体权益的不匹配,无疑是导致政策失灵的主要原因。 For a considerable amount of time,Salvador,the capital of Bahia State in Brazil,has grappled with notable economic and social inequality.The resulting stratification has led to social segregation within urban spaces,giving rise to numerous“Favelas”throughout the city.A host of conflicts stemming from poverty,unemployment,public health concerns,drug trafficking,violent crime,and spatial segregation measures have exacerbated tensions,resulting in frequent social movements marked by confrontations.To address these challenges,the municipal government has attempted to eradicate“Favelas”by implementing Urban Reform policies.However,the structural contradictions inherent in the region’s social development have yet to be fundamentally resolved,while external housing policies have largely ignored economic production links,cultural backgrounds,and the rights of vulnerable groups.These factors have contributed to the long-term failure of such policies.
作者 张亦瑄 田丰 ZHANG Yixuan;TIAN Feng
出处 《济南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2023年第3期65-75,178,179,共13页 Journal of University of Jinan:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金重大研究项目“完善正确处理新形势下人民内部矛盾有效机制研究”(项目编号:20ZDA078)之阶段性研究成果。
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