

The Practice Pattern and Accusation Application of the Behavior of Cutting off Customers by Hanging Formwork
摘要 关于“吊模斩客”行为的定性在理论上与实践中涉及四种罪名的理解与适用。根据事实要素的差异,“吊模斩客”可分为欺骗型与强迫型两种行为类型。其中,欺骗型“吊模斩客”涉及罪与非罪的定性争议,强迫型“吊模斩客”涉及罪名之间的适用分歧。关于欺骗型“吊模斩客”,从行为性质、认知优势与风险支配等要素来看,行为人对行为的整体因果流程实现了目的性支配,使被害人的内在意思决定受到影响,致使其财产处分行为由于意思瑕疵不具有同意效力,应认定为构成诈骗罪。基于对规范依据、交易关系与市场秩序的检视,强迫型“吊模斩客”不应构成强迫交易罪,应根据强制手段与强制状态的差异分别认定为抢劫罪与敲诈勒索罪。 The theory and practice of the qualitative analysis of the act of hanging the mold to cut off customers involves the understanding and application of four kinds of crimes.According to the difference of behavior elements,the hanging formwork chopping can be divided into two types of behavior:deceptive ones and compulsive ones.Among them,the deceptive type of hanging formwork chopping off involves the qualitative dispute between crime and non-crime,and the forced type of hanging formwork chopping off involves the differences in the application of this crime and that crime.As for the deceptive type of killing customers by hanging models,based on the investigation of the nature of the behavior,cognitive advantages and risk control,the perpetrator has achieved purposeful control over the overall cause and effect process of the fraud,which has affected the victim's internal will decision,resulting in his property disposal behavior not having the effect of consent due to the flaw of will,which should be recognized as the crime of fraud.As for the forced type of hanging formwork to cut off customers,based on the triple inspection of the normative basis,trading relationship and market order,the crime of forced trading cannot be applied,but should be identified as the crime of robbery and the crime of extortion according to the specific investigation of the means of coercion and the state of coercion.
作者 蒋知源 JIANG Zhiyuan(East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200042,China)
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《北京警察学院学报》 2023年第2期104-112,共9页 Journal of Beijing Police College
关键词 “吊模斩客” 诈骗罪 强迫交易罪 抢劫罪 敲诈勒索罪 cutting off customers crime of swindling crime of forced trading crime of robbery crime of extortion
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