
温带次生林涡动协方差与清单法碳通量交互对比 被引量:1

Intercomparison of Carbon Fluxes Measured with Eddy Covariance and Inventory Methods in Temperate Secondary Forest
摘要 【目的】明确东北温带次生林长期CO_(2)通量与地面碳过程及其不确定性,为提升森林碳通量测算精度提供方法支撑。【方法】选择帽儿山站典型天然次生林,基于2008—2018年涡动协方差(EC)法连续监测的CO_(2)通量、2008—2019年清单法测算的地面净初级生产力(NPP)和净生态系统生产力(NEP)以及土壤呼吸监测数据,评估2种方法测算CO_(2)通量的不确定性来源,并比较二者是否具有一致性。【结果】1)EC法测算的11年间平均CO_(2)净交换量(NEE)为-1.57±0.64t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),总初级生产力(GPP)为13.56±1.48 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),生态系统呼吸通量(Re)为12.00±1.38 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),三者不确定性分别为0.47、0.90和1.37 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),相对不确定性分别为29.9%、6.6%和11.4%。2)清单法测算的生态系统总NPP为7.54±1.31 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),冠层NPP和木质组织NPP分别为2.32±0.14和2.36±0.14 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),二者分别占总NPP的30.8%和31.3%;林下植被NPP为0.39±0.04 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),仅占总NPP的5.2%,其中灌木层和草本层NPP分别为0.08±0.02和0.31±0.03 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1);细根NPP为2.47±1.29 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),占总NPP的32.7%。3)冠层NPP不确定性主要来自凋落物产量;胸径测量、生长量时空变异、含碳率分别贡献1年测量木质组织NPP不确定性的32.3%、65.2%和2.5%。4)结合箱式法土壤异养呼吸通量5.23±0.20 t·m^(-2)a^(-1)和倒木呼吸通量0.37±0.21 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),测算NEP为1.94±1.34 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),与基于EC法测算的NEE绝对值估算区间1.57±0.47 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1)重合。【结论】帽儿山典型温带次生林EC法测量的11年间平均NEE与清单法12年间地面NEP吻合较好。仔细的EC法系统设计与因地制宜的数据处理方法,应用恰当方法尽可能完整测量NPP所有组分以及增加测量年限,有助于提高碳通量测量准确度,对加深理解我国典型温带次生林CO_(2)通量和局域尺度森林NPP和NEP的不确定性具有重要意义。 【Objective】Long-term forest CO_(2) fluxes measured by eddy covariance(EC)were rarely validated with ground monitoring of carbon processes,which limited the understanding for the estimate accuracy of temperate forest carbon sink.This study mainly determined the long-term CO_(2) fluxes and ground carbon processes and their uncertainties in a temperate secondary forest in northeast China.【Method】Based on the CO_(2) flux measurements of the typical temperate secondary forest at the Maoershan site over 11 years(2008—2018)via the EC method,we calculated the CO_(2) fluxes and its uncertainty with site-specific approaches of data analysis;Based on 12 years’inventory measurements during 2008—2019,we systematically estimated the net primary productivity(NPP)and net ecosystem production(NEP)and their uncertainties,and compared the CO_(2) fluxes estimates between the two methods.【Result】1)Based on the EC method,the mean net ecosystem exchange(NEE),gross primary production(GPP),and ecosystem respiration(Re)of the stand over the 11 years were−1.57±0.64,13.56±1.48,and 12.00±1.38 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),respectively;of which the corresponding uncertainties were 0.47,0.90 and 1.37 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),and the relative uncertainties were 29.9%,6.6%and 11.4%.2)Based on the inventory method,the total NPP of ecosystem was 7.54±1.31 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1).The NPP of total litterfall and total woody tissues were 2.32±0.14 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1)and 2.36±0.14 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),respectively,accounted for 30.8%and 31.3%of the total NPP,respectively.The understory NPP was 0.39±0.04 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),only accounted for 5.2%of the total;of which the NPP of shrubs and herbs were 0.08±0.02 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1)and 0.31±0.03 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),respectively.The fine root NPP was 2.47±1.29 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),which was the largest fraction(32.7%)of total NPP.3)For the canopy NPP,the uncertainty was mainly from litterfall production.Measurement of diameter at breast height,temporal and spatial variation of growth and carbon concentration accounted for 5.9%,and 32.3%,65.2%and 2.5%of the uncertainty of wood tissue NPP for one-year measurement,respectively.The relative uncertainty of shrub,herb,and fine root NPP were 25.0%,12.7%and 52.3%,respectively.4)Combined with the soil heterotrophic respiration(5.23±0.20 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1))and coarse woody debris respiration(0.37±0.21 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1)),the NEP was estimated to be 1.94±1.34 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1),overlapped with the interval of absolute value of NEE estimate(1.57±0.47 t·hm^(-2)a^(-1)).【Conclusion】The 11-year mean NEE measured by the EC method is closed to the NEP measured by the inventory method in the typical temperate secondary forest at the Maoershan site.Careful system design and site-adapted data analysis of the EC method,measuring all components of NPP as completely as possible via appropriate approaches,and extending the period length of measurements,will help to improve the accuracy of carbon flux measurement in forest ecosystems.These findings improve the understanding of the CO_(2) fluxes in typical temperate deciduous forests in Chin and the uncertainty of forest NPP and NEP at the local scale,and provide data and methodological support for accurate assessment of ecosystem carbon cycling.
作者 王兴昌 刘帆 孙雪 焦振 孙晓凤 张全智 全先奎 王传宽 Wang Xingchang;Liu Fan;Sun Xue;Jiao Zhen;Sun Xiaofeng;Zhang Quanzhi;Quan Xiankui;Wang Chuankuan(Center for Ecological Research Key Laboratory of Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystem of Ministry of Education,Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040;Research Center of Agricultural Resources,Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Shijiazhuang 050021;School of Architecture and Art,Hebei University of Engineering ,Handan 056038;Beijing Truwel Instruments Inc.,Beijing 100043)
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期31-43,共13页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD220040105) 国家自然科学基金项目(32171765)。
关键词 CO_(2)通量 净初级生产力 净生态系统生产力 涡动协方差 不确定性 CO_(2)fluxes net primary productivity net ecosystem productivity eddy covariance uncertainty
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