

Clinical experience in treating lung cancer with couplet medicinals
摘要 目的:通过临床运用药对辨治肺癌探讨药对在治疗过程中的临床疗效。方法:依据中医基本理论,结合四诊合参、患者体质、辨证论治、综合分析,分别从扶正培本、清热解毒、软坚散结、活血止痛、化痰止咳、健胃消食药对中选取部分治疗肺癌疗效明显的常用经典药对,介绍用药体会。结论:扶正培本类,黄芪、当归药对,补气生血经典处方,治疗贫血黄金搭档;人参、党参药对,元气、中气同补,增强补气效果,益气助阳,提升精气神;天冬、麦冬,养阴润肺,提高免疫。清热解毒类,白花蛇舌草、半枝莲为经典药对,解毒抗癌相须为用;鱼腥草、金荞麦配伍,专治肺热咳痰,抑制肺部感染;山慈菇、重楼,解毒散结,消肿止痛,抑制肿瘤生长。软坚散结类,浙贝母、夏枯草合用,解毒化痰、软坚散结之力更强。活血止痛类,白芍、甘草配伍能治筋脉挛急,抑制骨痛、腹部淋巴结转移疼痛。化痰止咳类,紫菀、款冬花相须为用,润肺下气,化痰止咳,治疗新旧咳嗽均可应用;桔梗、苦杏仁,宣肺,降肺,升降同用,肺气自通。健胃消食类,鸡内金、六神曲配伍,消食化积,健脾和胃,促进胃肠蠕动,有效改善脾胃症状。总之,药对搭配恰当在临床治疗中能起到事半功倍的效果,给患者的生活带来新的希望。 Objective:To explore the clinical effect of couplet medicinals in the course of treatment through the clinical use of couplet medicinals differentiation treatment of lung cancer.Methods:According to the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine,combined with the four diagnosis and treatment,the patients’constitution,syndrome differentiation and comprehensive analysis,some commonly used classical couplet medicinals with obvious curative effect were selected from medicines for reinforcing the vital energy and consolidating the constitution,clearing heat and detoxifying,softening and dispersing the knot,activating blood circulation and relieving pain,resolving phlegm and relieving cough,strengthening stomach and dispelling food,respectively.Conclusion:The classic prescriptions for reinforcing the vital energy and consolidating the constitution include Huangqi(Astragalus)and Danggui(Angelica),which are for supplementing Qi(气)and producing blood and the golden partner in the treatment of anemia.Renshen(Ginseng)and Dangshen(Codonopsis)couplet medicinals reinforce both the vital Qi and healthy Qi,enhance the effect of replenishing Qi,enrich Qi and help Yang(阳),and improve Qi and spiri.Tiandong(Asophiopogon)and Maidong(Ophiopogon)can nourish Yin(阴)and moisten lung and improve immunity.As for the classic prescription for clearing heat and detoxifying,Baihuasheshe Cao(Hedyoglossia officinalis)and Ban zhilian(Schistoderma)are classic couplet medicinals,which are used for detoxifying and anticancer.Yuxingcao(Houttuynia Cordata)and Jinqiaomai(Gold buckwheat)couplet medicinals specifically treat lung heat cough sputum,inhibit lung infection;Shancigu(Lphigenia indica)and Chonglou(Paris polyphylla)are used for detoxicating and eliminating stagnation,relieving swelling and pain and inhibitting tumor growth.The classic prescription for softening hardness and dispersing mass includes Zhebeimu(Fritillaria thunbergii)and Xiakucao(Prunella prunus),which are combined for detoxification and relieving phlegm,softening hardness and dispersing mass.The combination of Baishao(Paeony)and Gancao(Glycyrrhiza)can treat muscle clonus,inhibit bone pain and abdominal lymph node metastasis pain.The classic prescription for removing phlegm and dispersing cough includes Ziwan(Asters)and Kuandonghua(Coltsfoot flowers),which are used for moistening lung Qi,removing phlegm and stopping cough,treating both the new and old cough.Jiegeng(Platycodon)and Kuxingren(Almond)are use to regulate lung Qi and descend lung Qi.As for the classic prescription for strengthening stomach and promoting digestion,the combination of Jineijin(Membrane of a chicken’s gizzard)and Liushenqu(Maticated leaven)are compatible for digestion and relieving accumulation,strengthening the spleen and stomach,promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis,which effectively relieve the symptoms of spleen and stomach.In short,the appropriate combination of drugs in clinical treatment can achieve the effect of half effort and twice the effect,which brings new hope to the life of patients.
作者 李玉海 LI Yuhai
出处 《中医临床研究》 2023年第6期108-111,共4页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
关键词 药对 肺癌 中医 Couplet medicinals Lung cancer TCM
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