

Application of Experiential Teaching of Simulating the Elderly in the Curriculum Reform of Community Nursing
摘要 体验式教学法是一种以情景创设、实际操作、体验感悟为过程的特色教学方法。课题组通过在“社区护理”课程教学改革中,设计并开展护生模拟老年人视觉、听觉、行走、言语及手部精细动作功能障碍体验教学,在体验教学前后分别利用修订的中文版Kogan老年态度量表测评护生对老年人的态度,结果显示,体验式教学前后护生对老年人的态度比较有统计学意义,体验后量表中有2个条目由消极转为积极,得出“护生模拟老年人”体验教学法可有效提升护生对老年人的积极态度,增强其职业责任感,提高社区护理课程教学效果,值得推广与应用。 Experiential teaching method is a characteristic teaching method with the process of scenario creation,practical operation and experiential perception.In the teaching reform of community nursing courses,experiential teaching of nursing students simulating visual,auditory,walking,speech and fine motor dysfunction of the elderly are both designed and conducted.Chinese version of Kogan's Attitudes toward Old People(KAOP)is used to evaluate the effect of teaching reform.Attitudes of nursing student are changed from negative to positive on two items in the scale after the teaching reform.It can be concluded that application of experiential teaching of stimulating the elderly can improve the positive attitudes of college nursing students towards the elderly,enhance the professional responsibilities of nursing students and improve the teaching effectiveness of community nursing courses.It is worthy of promotion and application.
作者 谭凤林 陈羽保 廖艳芳 TAN Feng-lin;CHEN Yu-bao;LIAO Yan-fang(School of Nursing,Xiangtan Medicine&Health Vocational College,Xiangtan,Hunan 411102)
出处 《岳阳职业技术学院学报》 2023年第2期32-35,共4页 Journal of Yueyang Vocational and Technical College
基金 2019年度湖南省职业院校教育教学改革研究项目“基于ANA社区护理标准的《社区护理》课程建设研究”(ZJGB2019161)。
关键词 老年人 模拟体验 社区护理 教学改革 态度 elderly simulated experience community nursing teaching reform attitude
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