The photonic spin Hall effect(SHE)refers to the transverse spin separation of photons with opposite spin angular momentum,after the beam passes through an optical interface or inhomogeneous medium,manifested as the spin-dependent splitting.It can be considered as an analogue of the SHE in electronic systems:the light’s right-circularly polarized and left-circularly polarized components play the role of the spin-up and spin-down electrons,and the refractive index gradient replaces the electronic potential gradient.Remarkably,the photonic SHE originates from the spin-orbit interaction of the photons and is mainly attributed to two different geometric phases,i.e.,the spin-redirection Rytov-Vlasimirskii-Berry in momentum space and the Pancharatnam-Berry phase in Stokes parameter space.The unique properties of the photonic SHE and its powerful ability to manipulate the photon spin,gradually,make it a useful tool in precision metrology,analog optical computing and quantum imaging,etc.In this review,we provide a brief framework to describe the fundamentals and advances of photonic SHE,and give an overview on the emergent applications of this phenomenon in different scenes.
supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.12174097)
the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province(Grant No.2021JJ10008).