
Diterpenoids from Scutellaria barbata induce tumour-selective cytotoxicity by taking the brakes off apoptosis

摘要 Medicinal plants are an excellent source of structurally diverse,bio-active compounds with potential in the fight against cancer.One of the most promising is Scutellaria barbata,prescribed traditionally for the treatment of cancers.Scutebarbatine A is the major diterpenoid,produced in specialized large,peltate trichomes on leaves of S.barbata.It induces dose-dependent apoptosis,specifically in cancer cells.The major class of proteins down-regulated are pro-survival proteins,the Inhibitors of Apoptosis(IAPs),and IAP regulating proteins.We propose that scutebarbatine A works by releasing the molecular brakes(the IAPs)on apoptosis in cell death-evading cancer cells.Comparison between the cytotoxicity of methanolic extracts of S.barbata leaves and decoctions(Ban Zhi Lian)prepared traditionally,showed substantially different chemical compositions and differential induction of apoptosis.Analyses suggest polyvalency between the constituents in both extracts,and ways to produce enhanced chemopreventive preparations for the treatment of cancer.
出处 《Medicinal Plant Biology》 2022年第1期8-23,共16页 药用植物生物学(英文)
基金 the Royal Society for a Newton Advanced Fellowship awarded to ECT(NAF\R2\192001) CEPAMS Funding(Project CPM19)for support of a collaboration project'Scutellaria Anticancer Metabolites'for E.C.T.,C.M.,M-J.R.H.,J.F.and Q.Z.C.M.,M.T.,E.B.,M.R.,G.S.,L.H..and J.L.were also supported by the Institute Strategic Programme‘Molecules from Nature’(BB/P012523/1) the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.MZ was supported by a CSC visiting scholarship and by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province,China(LY21H280009) We thank CAS for the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDB27020204) International Partnership Program of CAS(153D31KYSB20160074) we gratefully acknowledge the Ministry of Science and Technology for Foreign Expert Project 2019(G20190113016) the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality for Shanghai Talent Recruitment Program 2018 and funds from National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics and Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology to ECT for support of this project.
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