Two coelomycetous taxa with muriform conidia were collected from Italy,and subjected to morpho-molecular taxonomic analyses.A mega blast search showed that the new taxa had a close relationship with Pseudocamarosporium.Maximum-likelihood and Bayesian analyses of combined LSU,SSU and ITS sequence data also showed that these strains reside in Didymosphaeriaceae and cluster with Pseudocamarosporium sensu stricto.Following detailed morphological and molecular analyses,these are introduced as new species in Pseudocamarosporium.The new taxa are illustrated and compared with other known species in the genus.
the Mushroom Research Foundation(MRF),Chiang Rai Province,Thailand for providing a Postgraduate Scholarship and National Science Funding of China(no.31560489)
the Chinese Academy of Sciences,project number 2013T2S0030,for the award of Visiting Professorship for Senior International Scientists at Kunming Institute of Botany.Erio Camporesi appreciates Giancarlo Lombardi for his invaluable help in the collecting programme and identifying host plants.Yong Wang and Yan-Ling An would like to thank the project of Science and Technology Department of Guizhou Province[2012]4012-06
Further,we would like to thank Mae Fah Luang University grant for studying Dothideomycetes(no.56101020032).