

The Relationship between Statistical Learning and Bilingual Cognition
摘要 统计学习是提取环境输入潜在规则的一种认知机制,其与语言的关联已得到证实。双语认知是学界关注的热点之一。统计学习与双语认知的关系如何?文章先介绍统计学习认知机制及其与语言的关系,然后从“统计学习能力可否预测二语学习表现”、“统计学习训练能否促进二语学习”和“双语经验能否提高统计学习能力”三个维度述评相关文献,并指出未来可从输入特征、个体差异和神经科学角度进一步探讨统计学习与双语认知的关系。 Statistical learning is a kind of cognitive mechanism with which humans extract the underlying rules from environmental input.Its relationship with language has been testified by numerous studies.Bilingual cognition is one of the hot issues in the academic field.So how about the relationship between statistical learning and bilingual cognition?The current paper first introduced the cognitive mechanism of statistical learning and its relationship with language and then reviewed the relevant studies concerning the relationship between statistical learning and bilingual cognition from the following three dimensions,whether statistical learning ability can predict second language performance,whether statistical learning training can promote second language learning,and whether bilingualism can improve statistical learning competence.At last,the current paper put forward future research trends from the perspectives of input features,individual differences,and neuroscience.
作者 陈瑶 李利 Chen Yao;Li Li(School of Foreign Studies,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631;School of International Culture,The Key Laboratory of Chinese Learning and International Promotion,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631)
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期409-415,共7页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 统计学习 双语认知 双语优势 二语学习 statistical learning bilingual cognition bilingual advantage second language learning
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