

From Isolation to Integration:An Institutional Investigation of Cross-Strait Publishing Interaction
摘要 “海峡两岸出版互动”是指祖国内地和台湾地区的出版业在谋求各自或整体利益过程中产生的隔绝、交流、合作乃至相互制约或冲突的一系列行为的总和。宏观制度背景、中观制度结构和具体制度安排,共同构成对两岸出版互动的外部约束。从制度溯源来看,如果说两岸出版互动阻隔的形成及消除由公权力主导,开放交流后两岸业者的诸多实践则主要以市场原则为取向,进而产生制度性一体化需求。内地出版业者在“一带一路”倡议下更加主动呼吁并着手建构覆盖两岸的全球华文出版市场。而岛内政治力量博弈和“政党恶斗”致使有利两岸出版互动的服贸协议难有实质突破,双方业者终未搭上ECFA便车。但两岸出版互动走向融合,制度建构不能裹足不前。“融合”是两岸出版业的融合,也是传统出版与新兴出版的融合,更是包括出版在内的两岸经济文化社会的融合。“融合”意涵的多重性、传统出版的数字化转型、复杂严峻的两岸关系,共同影响着这一非线性、多层次的融合过程。 “Cross-Strait Publishing Interaction”refers to the sum total of a series of acts of isolation,exchange,cooperation and even mutual restriction or conflict between the publishing industries of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan region in the pursuit of their respective or overall interests.The macro-institutional background,mesoscopic institutional structure and specific institutional arrangements together constitute external constraints on cross-Strait publishing interaction.From an institutional point of view,while the formation and elimination of barriers to interaction is dominated by public power,many practices of cross-Strait publishers after the opening of exchanges are mainly oriented by market principles,which in turn creates the need for institutional integration.With the Belt and Road Initiative,Chinese mainland publishers have proactively called for and set about building a global Chinese-language publishing market that encompasses both sides of the Taiwan regionStrait.However,the political power game and“vicious rivalry among political parties”in Taiwan regionhave made it difficult to make a substantial breakthrough in the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement,which is expected to contribute to cross-Strait publishing interaction.The operators on the two sides have never hitchhiked on the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECFA).Yet,publishing interaction across the Taiwan regionStrait moves towards integration,and the construction of the system cannot stall.“Integration”is not only for the cross-Strait publishing industry,but also for traditional publishing and new publishing,and even for the cross-Strait economy,culture and society,including publishing.The multiplicity meant by“integration”,the digital transformation of traditional publishing,and the complex and grave cross-Strait relations all influence this non-linear and multi-level integration.
作者 阎立峰 刘韬 YAN Li-feng;LIU Tao(School of Journalism&Communication,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian;Straits Media Research Center,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian)
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第3期78-90,共13页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“台湾新闻传播研究关键词”(2072021017)。
关键词 两岸出版合作 出版制度 ECFA 台湾地区研究 cross-Strait publishing cooperation publishing system ECFA Taiwan region studies
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