
平台经济领域中的经营者集中申报机制研究 被引量:1

On the Concentration Declaration Mechanism for Operators of Platform Economy
摘要 平台经济领域是国内外反垄断规制的重点领域,平台经济领域经营者集中是平台经营者扩大经济实力、迅速占领市场和发展优势地位的最好方式,基于平台经济领域竞争模式多样化、竞争影响评估难、竞争损害更隐蔽等特性,传统的经营者集中申报机制在平台经济领域捉襟见肘。鉴于经营者集中行为带来的双重效应,执法机关需要综合评估集中带来的社会经济效果和竞争损害。我国目前的经营者集中申报机制存在集中形式不具体、标准设定不全面、执法机构能力不足等问题,因此,针对我国平台经济领域经营者集中特性,应当加强平台经济领域经营者集中申报标准的立法完善和执法机制的完善。立法完善主要是指明确申报标准设定原则,建立“资产总额”登记备案制度、“营业额+交易额”的双重申报标准,动态调整申报门槛,完善分级分类审查和制度以及优化举证责任配置规则。执法机制完善主要涉及加大违法行为处罚力度,充分发挥商谈制度功能,评估数据优势影响,明确执法机构监管职责并最终形成行政监管、行业自律、企业合规和社会监督相结合的多元主体协同治理模式,以有效应对平台经济领域经营者集中的新情况、新问题。 The field of platform economy is the key field of anti-monopoly regulation the world over,concentration of operators in the field of platform economy being the best way for platform operators to expand their economic strength,rapidly occupy the market and develop their dominant positions.Considering the characteristics of the field of platform economy,such as diversified competition modes,difficult competition impact assessment and more covert competition damage,the traditional operator-centered declaration mechanism in the field of platform economy is far from sufficient.In view of the dual effects brought by operator concentration,law enforcement agencies need to comprehensively evaluate the social and economic effects and competitive damage brought by concentration.Issues such as absence of concrete concentration declaration forms,incomplete standard configuration and incompetency of law enforcement organizations are found with this system.Therefore,we should improve legislation and law enforcement mechanism in view of the characteristics of the platform economy business concentration declaration.Legislative improvement refers mainly to clarifying the principle of setting declaration standards,establishing the“total assets”registration and filing system,the double declaration standard of“turnover+transaction volume”,dynamically adjusting the declaration threshold,improving the classification review and system,and optimizing the allocation of burden of proof.The improvement of law enforcement mechanism mainly involves increasing penalties for illegal behaviors,giving full play to the function of the negotiation system,assessing the impact of data advantages,clarifying the supervision responsibilities of law enforcement agencies and ultimately forming a multi-subject collaborative governance model that combines administrative supervision,industry self-discipline,enterprise compliance and social supervision,so as to effectively deal with the new situation and new problems of operator concentration in the field of platform economy.
作者 蒋岩波 戴瑞 JIANG Yan-bo;DAI Rui(School of Law,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330000,China)
出处 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期57-69,共13页 Journal of Nantong University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家自然基金面上项目“互联网平台企业估值最大化目标及其机会主义行为规制研究”(72073053)。
关键词 平台经济 经营者集中 申报机制 反垄断 platform economy operator concentration declaration mechanism counter monopoly
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