
基于互联网思维的档案馆微信公众号运营优化策略研究 被引量:1

Research on the Operation Optimization Strategy of Archives Wechat Public Account based on Internet Thinking
摘要 微信公众号已成为档案信息社会化传播的重要媒介。文章以省级档案馆微信公众号为研究对象,对公众号发文量、阅读量、预估粉丝数等基本指数梳理分析,以及对发布文章进行文本内容分析。研究表明,档案馆微信公众号存在整体影响力较弱、信息内容深度不足、功能定位模糊等问题。基于互联网思维,档案馆微信公众号可以从用户维护、内容创作和平台建设三个方面入手优化运营策略,提升档案馆微信公众号的社会影响力和服务效能。 The WeChat official account has become an important medium for the socialized dissemination of archive information.Taking the WeChat official account of the provincial archives as the research object,combing and analyzing the basic indexes such as the number of posts,readings,and estimated number of fans on the official account,as well as the text content analysis of the published articles.Studies have shown that the WeChat official account of the archives has problems such as weak overall influence,insufficient depth of information content,and fuzzy function positioning.Based on the Internet thinking,the WeChat Official Account of the Archives can optimize its operation strategy from the three aspects of user maintenance,content creation and platform construction,and enhance the social influence and service efficiency of the WeChat official account of the Archives.
作者 任越 问宇鹏 REN Yue;WEN Yu-peng(School of Information Management,Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080)
出处 《山西档案》 2022年第6期27-32,18,共7页 Shanxi Archives
基金 黑龙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“黑龙江省少数民族文化资源建设与推广研究”(项目编号:22TQH021) 2022年度黑龙江大学研究生创新科研项目“新发展理念指导下综合档案馆转型与内涵发展研究”(项目编号:YJSCX2022-057HLJU)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 档案馆 微信公众号 互联网思维 档案信息 archives WeChat Official Account internet thinking archive information
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