
档案治理视角下国有企业档案管理机制优化路径研究 被引量:2

Research on the optimization path of archives management mechanism of the stateowned enterprise from the perspective of archives governance
摘要 国家治理现代化持续推进、国有企业改革不断深化、档案事业转型发展的时代背景下,对国有企业档案管理机制提出了新的发展要求,档案治理为国有企业档案管理机制的优化提供了新的思路。采用文献调研法、访谈法对国有企业档案管理机制运行现状进行调研,调研发现,国有企业档案管理机制存在管理机构履职能力受限、管理主体能力供给不足、管理制度体系稍显薄弱、管理手段单一成效不足等现实困境。对此,基于档案治理视角提出国有企业档案管理机制的优化路径,包括:确立管理机构“一元主导”的核心地位;打造多元主体“协同共进”的发展格局;构建正式、非正式规则互补的制度框架;注重多种管理手段、行动策略的综合运用。 Under the background of the continuous promotion of the modernization of national governance,the continuous deepening of the reform of state-owned enterprises and the transformation and development of archives,new requirements are put forward for the development of the archives management mechanism of state-owned enterprises,and the archives management provides a new idea for the optimization of the archives management mechanism of state-owned enterprises.By using the method of literature research and interview to investigate the status quo of the operation of the archives management mechanism of state-owned enterprises,the investigation found that the archives management mechanism of state-owned enterprises has such realistic difficulties as the limited ability of management institutions to perform their duties,the insufficient supply of management subjects,the slightly weak management system,the single management means and the insufficient effect.In this regard,based on the perspective of archives management,this paper puts forward the optimization path of the archives management mechanism of stateowned enterprises,including:establishing the core position of"unitary dominance"of the management organization;To foster a development pattern of"coordinated and common progress"among multiple entities;Construct an institutional framework of formal and informal rules complementing each other;Pay attention to a variety of management means,the comprehensive use of action strategies.
作者 李倩楠 LI Qian-nan(School of Information Management of Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023)
出处 《山西档案》 2022年第6期158-164,157,共8页 Shanxi Archives
关键词 档案治理 企业档案 管理机制 国有企业 archives governance enterprise archives management mechanism stateowned enterprise
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