

Jiajing Circular Mound Altar and Emperor Shizong's Reform
摘要 嘉靖九年(1530年)圜丘的设计方案经历了从两层坛到通壝三层坛、再到三层重壝的变化,这一圜丘形制实际上改变了明太祖朱元璋所定的两层坛的祖制。明世宗与群臣以实际祭祀时内壝之内摆放有从祀神主为依据,认为明太祖所定的两层坛的祖制加上摆放神主的内壝实际上也是三层为突破口,顺利实现了圜丘改制,与嘉靖初年大礼议事件中的明世宗通过暴力压制实现礼制改革的情形形成了鲜明的对比,从中可以看出明世宗在政治上的成熟。嘉靖九年(1530年)圜丘最终方案由明世宗钦定,明世宗对圜丘的设计思想进行了有理有据的论证,达到了以礼服人的效果,同时也通过圜丘尺寸所反映的数理思想凸显了皇权至上。嘉靖九年(1530年)圜丘是明世宗加强皇权的缩影和见证,客观上也对明清国家郊祭祀典产生了重大影响。 This paper discusses the design process and the related issues of the circular mound altar constructed in the ninth year of the Jiajing Reign Period(1530)of the Ming Dynasty.The design of the circular mound altar underwent changes from a two-layer altar with two embankments to a three-layer altar with one embankment,and then to a three-layer altar with two embankments.The form of the circular mound altar actually changed the ancestral system of the two-layer altar set by the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty,Zhu Yuanzhang.Emperor Shizong(Jiajing Emperor)and the ministers took the restoration of the ancestral system as a breakthrough point and successfully achieved the reform of the circular mound altar.In the early years of the Jiajing Reign,Emperor Shizong implemented the ritual reform through violent suppression in the Great Rites Controversy.The contrast between the circular mound altar reform and the Great Rites Controversy is striking,from which it can be seen that Emperor Shizong became politically mature.The final plan of the circular mound altar was decided by Emperor Shizong,who justified the design and convinced people by reasoning.The imperial sovereignty was also highlighted through the numerical concept reflected by the measurements of the circular mound altar.The circular mound altar not only epitomized and witnessed the strengthening of imperial power by Emperor Shizong,but also had a significant impact on the state sacrifice of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
作者 黄益飞 Huang Yifei
出处 《北方文物》 北大核心 2023年第3期103-112,共10页 Northern Cultural Relics
基金 “古文字与中华文明传承发展工程”资助项目“商代礼制研究”(项目编号:G3615)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 圜丘 三层重壝 皇权至上 祭祀 Form of the Circular Mound Altar Three-layer Altar with Two Embankments Imperial Sovereignty State Sacrifice of Ming and Qing Dynasties
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