https://www. sciencedirect. com/journal/energy-and-buildings/vol/284/suppl/C VolumeP284,1April2023(1)ower consumption of model houses with and without PCM plaster lining using different heating methodsNémeth,Aurél Ujhidy,Judit Tóth,et al,by Bence rmal behaviour and power,ArticleAbstract:Thedemand o1f1 2tw84o5container model houses were studied. One of them was equipped with plaster lining with incorporated PCM microcapsulesrence during two successi,and the second one served as refeve winter periods. In the first winter period ofthe houses d2u0r1in9/g 2t0h,an electric radiator was applied for heating e daytimefrom evening to the next mor,and then they were let cool down ning.
Building Energy Efficiency