
中国产业链关键环节自主可控何以实现?--对高新技术企业集聚效应与技术创新的考察 被引量:16

How to Independently Control the Key Links of China’s Industrial Chain?--A Study on the Agglomeration Effects and Technological Innovations of High-Tech Enterprises
摘要 文章利用国泰安数据库、投入产出表与上市公司数据(1990—2020)匹配得到我国1356家高新技术企业,采用空间基尼系数测度高新技术企业集聚程度。同时,文章测度产业链中心度与中介度衡量产业链关键环节可控程度,对我国高新技术企业集聚推进产业链关键环节自主可控提升程度进行研究,得出以下结论:总体层面,高新技术企业集聚、自主创新有效地推动了我国产业链关键环节可控能力提升。具体细分,一是所有制层面,国有高新技术企业和民营高新技术企业集聚对产业链关键环节可控能力提升具有促进作用,国有企业作用强度略大于民营企业;二是行业层面,高新技术企业集聚对产业链关键环节可控推动程度由强到弱依次为航空、航天器及设备制造业、电子及通信设备制造业和计算机及办公设备制造业、信息化学品制造业、医药制造业和医疗仪器设备及仪器仪表制造业;三是地区层面,高新技术企业集聚对产业链关键环节可控能力的推动作用强度依次为东部沿海、北部沿海、南部沿海、长江中游、黄河中游、西南地区、东北地区和西北地区;四是技术创新的中介效应,高新技术企业集聚通过技术创新有效驱动了产业链关键环节实现自主可控。据此,文章提出健全新型举国体制、强化科技强国、人才强国战略建议,实现关键环节自主可控的目标。 Since 2017,President Xi has repeatedly pointed out that the world today is undergoing a major change unprece⁃dented in a century.Chinese local high-tech companies received crackdowns and sanctions,such as Huawei and ZTE.The risk of reverse globalization has increased.China’s industrial chain is facing a two-way competition situation,with the lowend industrial chain moving to developing countries and the high-end industrial chain returning to developed countries.This makes China a manufacturing power rather than a powerhouse.How can the key links of China’s industrial chain be indepen⁃dently controlled?The clustering of high-tech enterprises provides an effective way to achieve autonomous control of key links in the industrial chain.This paper empirically studies 1356 high-tech enterprises in China by using Guo Tai database,input-output table and listed company data.The spatial Gini coefficient is used to measure the agglomeration degree of high-tech enterprises and the industrial chain centrality and intermediation degree are used to measure the controllable degree of key links of industrial chain.This paper studies high-tech enterprises agglomeration and the degree of key links of industrial chain,and the follow⁃ing results are received:First,at the ownership level,the agglomeration of both state-owned and private high-tech enterpris⁃es contributes to the improvement of controllable ability of key links in the industrial chain,however,the intensity of stateowned enterprises is slightly higher than that of private enterprises;Second,at the industrial level,the promotion degree of high-tech enterprise agglomeration to the key links of the industrial chain is aviation,spacecraft and equipment manufactur⁃ing,electronic and communication equipment manufacturing,computer and office equipment manufacturing,information chemical manufacturing,pharmaceutical manufacturing and medical equipment instrumentation manufacturing,in descend⁃ing order;Third,at the regional level,the intensity ranks the eastern coast,the northern coast,the southern coast,the mid⁃dle reaches of the Yangtze River,the middle reaches of the Yellow River,the southwest region,the northeast region and the northwest region;Fourth,as for the mediating effect,technological innovation is the mediating variable of enterprise agglom⁃eration and the key links of industrial chain.Accordingly,this paper proposes the design of targeted system for China’s key links of high-tech industrial chain,so as to improve the position of value chain and control the key links of industrial chain independently.Accordingly,this paper proposes five policy inspirations.The first is to improve the new national system and break the bottleneck of industrial chain constraints.The second is to strengthen the strategy of strengthening the country through sci⁃ence and technology,and implement science and technology policies.The third is to improve the strategy of strengthening the country with talents,to train and introduce both independently,and to enhance the“acceleration”of key technology break⁃throughs.The fourth is promote the“targeting”of key technologies in state-owned high-tech enterprises to serve national strategies.The last but not least is to promote the rational layout,regional coordination and linkage development of high-tech enterprises,and bridge the gaps in the connection of key links in the industrial chain between regions.
作者 庞磊 阳晓伟 Pang Lei;Yang Xiaowei
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期107-126,共20页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“中南-中南半岛双向直接投资联动驱动产业动能转换实现机制研究”(20BJL050)的资助。
关键词 高新技术企业 产业链关键环节 自主创新 高质量 High-Tech Enterprise Key Links of Industrial Chain Independent Innovation High Quality
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