
高粱表皮蜡质缺失突变体sb1抗旱生理生化分析 被引量:3

Physiological and Biochemical Analysis of Drought Resistance in Sorghum Cuticular Wax-deficient Mutant sb1
摘要 植物抗旱性与体表蜡质积累有关,高粱是抗旱性极强的作物,茎秆和叶片表面覆盖一层厚厚的蜡质,开展高粱体表蜡质层对高粱抗旱能力的研究,为高粱抗旱品种选育和抗旱分子机制提供理论依据。以高粱品种BTx623和表皮蜡质缺失突变体sb1为试验材料,统计农艺性状以及扫描电镜观察叶片表面蜡质形态结构;分析表皮蜡质的有无对离体叶片失水速率和叶绿素浸提率的影响;检测在干旱胁迫处理下植株的表型变化以及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)的活性变化。结果表明,与对照BTx623相比,表皮蜡质缺失突变体sb1株高明显降低、抽穗开花期延后1周、叶片远轴面片状蜡质缺失,其他农艺性状变化不明显。突变体sb1离体叶片失水速率和叶绿素浸提率显著高于对照。在干旱胁迫处理条件下,随着干旱胁迫时间的增长,对照BTx623和突变体sb1的SOD和POD活性均增强,但对照SOD和POD活性均显著高于突变体sb1,且干旱处理96 h和复水后突变体sb1都造成叶片大面积干枯。突变体sb1表皮蜡质缺失后叶片渗透性增强,清除活性氧的能力减弱,抗旱性降低。 The drought tolerance trait of plant is related to the wax accumulation on the surface.Sorghum is a cereal crop that can survive under extreme drought stress,its surfaces of stems and leaves were covered with a thick layer of wax on the.The study on the difference of drought resistance in sorghum with or without cuticular wax may provide a theoretical basis for breeding drought-resistant sorghum varieties and revealing the molecular mechanism of drought resistance.Sorghum cv.BTx623(with cuticular wax)and cuticular wax-deficient mutant sb1(without cuticular wax)were used as experimental materials.Firstly,agronomic traits of BTx623 and sb1 were recoded and leaf surface wax structure was observed by using electron microscope.Secondly,the influences of the presence and absence of cuticular wax on the water loss rates of excised leaves and chlorophyll leaching rates were analyzed.Finally,phenotype changes,activities of SOD(superoxide dismutase)and POD(peroxidase)were detected under drought stress.Compared to sorghum cv.BTx623,the height of cuticular wax-deficient mutant sb1 significantly decreased,while the heading-flowering period delayed for one week.Sheticular wax was absent on the distal axial surface of leaves,and no significant variance in other agronomic traits was found.Water loss rates of excised leaves and chlorophyll leaching rates of mutant sb1 were significantly higher than those of BTx623.Under the drought stress treatment,the activities of SOD and POD were induced in both BTx623 and sb1,while the enzyme activities of BTx623 were significantly higher than those of sb1.After drought treatment,most leaves of sb1 were withered and dried after 96 h with re-watering.This study demonstrate that leaf's permeability is enhanced and leaf's ability to scavenge reactive oxygen species is weakened in cuticular wax-deficient mutant sb1 compared to BTx623,which indicates the presence of cuticular wax plays an important role in drought tolerance.
作者 王春语 李政君 王平 张丽霞 WANG Chun-yu;LI Zheng-jun;WANG Ping;ZHANG Li-xia(Sorghum Research Institute,Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shenyang 110161)
出处 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期160-167,共8页 Biotechnology Bulletin
基金 博士后面上项目(2021M693847) 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设项目(CARS-06-14.5-A3)。
关键词 高粱 表皮蜡质 干旱胁迫 渗透性 抗氧化酶 sorghum cuticular wax drought stress permeability antioxidant enzyme
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