
新时代“三个务必”的内涵、结构与进路 被引量:31

The“Three Musts”in the New Era:Connotation,Structure and Approach
摘要 “三个务必”是在深刻把握世情国情党情基础上对新时代新征程管党治党的新要求,是对全党的新告诫、新期盼。“三个务必”在坚持和发展“两个务必”核心内容的基础上,将不忘初心、牢记使命的理想信念和敢于斗争、善于斗争的精神力量融入其中,从理想信念、优良作风和精神力量这三个层面完善基本内涵。其中,务必不忘初心、牢记使命是新时代新征程中国共产党人的理想信念,是践行“三个务必”的方向指引;务必谦虚谨慎、艰苦奋斗是新时代新征程中国共产党人的优良作风,是落实“三个务必”的作风保证;务必敢于斗争、善于斗争是新时代新征程中国共产党人的精神力量和本领要求,是践行“三个务必”的必然要求。贯彻落实“三个务必”要从深入开展“三个务必”主题教育实践活动,建立健全制度规范体系以及坚定以伟大自我革命引领伟大社会革命的战略定力等进路展开,以增强全党贯彻落实新时代“三个务必”的思想自觉和行动自觉,推动“三个务必”规范化、常态化、长效化向纵深发展。深刻认识“三个务必”的丰富内涵、逻辑结构和实践进路,有助于更好地理解和践行“三个务必”。 The“Three Musts”is a new requirement for the new journey of Party management and governance in the new era on the basis of a profound grasp of the situation of the world,the national conditions and the situation of the Party.It is also a new warning to as well as a new expectation for the whole Party.On the basis of the former“Two Musts”,the“Three Musts”integrates the faith of staying true to the original intention and keeping in mind the mission with the spirit of daring to fight and being good at fighting.Among them,“we must not forget the original purpose”is the faith of the Chinese communists,serving as a lighthouse to direct its new journey in the new era.“We must be modest and prudent”is the style of work of the Communists,guaranteeing the effective implementation of the Party’s work.“We must have the courage to fight”is both a spiritual courage and an ability that the Communists must have.To carry out the“Three Musts”,we must improve our systems and lead social reforms with our great spirit of self-revolution,we must ensure that the whole party carry out the“Three Musts”in its normal,standard,and long-term practice.And only by grasping the concept of the“Three Musts”and the logic behind can we put them into practice.
作者 丁俊萍 李泽鑫 Ding Jun-ping;Li Ze-xin(School of Marxism,Wuhan University,Wuhan Hubei 430072;Institute of Political Parties,Wuhan University,Wuhan Hubei 430072;Center for Inner-Party Law Research,Wuhan University,Wuhan Hubei 430072)
出处 《新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第1期33-45,F0002,共14页 Journal of Xinjiang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国共产党百年党性教育的文献资料整理与研究”(20&ZD022)的阶段性成果。
关键词 “三个务必” 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 内涵 结构 进路 “Three Musts” Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Connotation Structure Approach
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