Inspired by the indolopyridoquinazoline scaffold of natural products evodiamine and rutaecarpine, novel triple G4 and Top1/2 ligands were rationally designed and synthesized. Systematic structure–activity relationship(SAR) studies led to the discovery of compound 15g, which effectively induced and stabilized G4 and inhibited Top1/2 with potent antitumor activity. Compound 15g represents a valuable chemical tool or lead compound for antitumor drug discovery. This proof-of-concept study also validated the feasibility of using planar natural products scaffold as templates to design new G4 ligands.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 22077138 to S. Wu, 81725020 to C. Sheng
81872742 to G. Dong)
the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2020YFA0509200 to C. Sheng)
Shanghai Rising-Star Program (No. 22QA1411300 to S. Wu)。