
公共治理过程中的目标冲突现象:研究述评与实践启示 被引量:1

Goal Conflicts in the Public Governance Process:Literature Review and Practical Implications
摘要 公共治理的目标冲突对经济社会的平衡发展、政策目标的落实和社会各方利益的协调造成了系统性的冲击,对其进行有效应对已然成为国家治理现代化的重要课题和挑战。本文从定义测量和类型划分、影响因素和内在机制、后果影响和应对策略三大方面对已有研究进行了系统的梳理、分析,构建了一个整合的公共治理目标冲突研究的框架。本文重点呈现了影响公共治理目标冲突的“认知—组织—结构”三大层面的因素,以及“决策认知—组织激励—社会结构—政治制度”四个维度的生成机制。在评述的基础上,提出针对性的研究展望:(1)厘清概念内涵和边界,构建完善指标体系;(2)超越情境化解释,形成整全理解;(3)探究目标冲突负面影响的条件性;(4)探讨策略使用的条件和差异。最后,结合理论提出相关实践启示:(1)对目标冲突分门别类并差异化处置;(2)全面分析和综合防范引发冲突的因素;(3)仔细甄别、应对冲突发生的复合机制;(4)因地制宜地确立目标冲突的应对策略。 Goal conflicts occurred in the public governance process have posed systematic threats on the balance of socio-economic development,policy implementation as well as the benefit integration of various stakeholders nation-wide,it thus become a vital issue and challenge for the modernization of state-led governance.This research has conducted a comprehensive review on goal conflicts in the public governance process in terms of its definition and classification,driving force and mechanism,impacts and pertinent strategies as well,while simultaneously propose a combined research framework for the relative researches.It then highlights the three dimensional factors(cognitive,organizational,structural factors),and four aspects of mechanisms(cognition of decision making,organizational incentives,social structure,political institution)which resulted in goal conflicts.Based on the literature review,suggestions for further studies are pointed out:(1)To clearly define the contents and boundary of the concept for goal conflicts,and construct appropriate indexes for their measurement;(2)To go beyond the context-oriented explanation,so as to facilitate the integration of multiple factors and mechanisms;(3)To further explore the conditions of goal conflictsz negative outcomes;(4)To probe the conditional requirements as well as variations of goal conflicts,coping strategies.Thereafter,the practical implications are given according to the theories:(1)To classify the goal conflicts and handle them with various methods;(2)To comprehensively analyze and prevent the factors that results in goal conflicts;(3)To carefully identify and deal with the complex mechanism of goal conflicts;(4)To launch and apply the coping strategies of goal conflicts abiding by the context.
作者 曹郭煌 郭小聪 张虎平 Cao Cuohuang;Guo Xiaocong;Zhang Huping(School of Government,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275;School of Government and Center for Chinese Public Administration Research,Sun Yat-sen Universily,Guangzhou 510275;School of Marxism,Sun lat-sen University,Guangzhou 510275)
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期35-51,125,126,共19页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
基金 教育部社会科学青年基金项目“共同富裕视域下社会支出时空差异的测量及对策研究”(22YJC630200) 国家社会科学基金项目“中国基本公共服务供给侧结构性改革研究”(17GBL193)。
关键词 目标冲突 公共治理 因素机制 应对策略 Goal conflicts Public governance Factors and mechanisms Coping strategies
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