
充分发挥群团组织在我国社会建设中的作用——以工会组织为例 被引量:2

On Giving Full Play to the Role of Mass Organizations in China's Social Construction:Taking Trade Union Organizations as an Example
摘要 群团组织是党联系群众的桥梁和纽带,在推进社会建设中发挥着重要而独特的作用。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视社会建设。本研究以工会组织为例分析指出,群团组织参与社会建设有利于发挥党在推进社会建设中的统领作用,有利于落实以人民为中心的社会建设理念,有利于贯彻依法治国方略、提高社会建设的法治化水平。群团组织参与社会建设的主要任务,包括在保障和改善民生中发挥补充作用、促进共同富裕的实现,在维权和化解矛盾中发挥协商协调作用、推进社会公平正义等。基于此,研究建议要以改革创新精神提升群团组织参与社会建设的能力:强化维权服务职责,增强参与的主动性和时效性;加快智慧工会建设,创新参与方式;努力维护劳动领域政治安全,牢牢把握住工会参与的底线;加强基层工会建设,壮大参与力量。 As bridges and links between the Party and the masses,mass organizations play a key and unique role in promoting social construction.Since the 18th CPC National Congress,the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core has attached great importance to social construction.This study takes trade union organizations as an example to analyze and point out that the participation of mass organizations in social construction is conducive to realizing the Party's leadership in promoting social construction,implementing the people-centered philosophy of social construction,and implementing the national strategy of governing China based on the rule of law and improving the level of legal institutionalization of social construction.The main tasks of mass organizations in participating in social construction include playing a complementary role in ensuring and improving people's livelihoods,promoting common prosperity,playing a coordinating role in safeguarding rights and resolving conflicts through consultation,and promoting social fairness and justice,etc.Thus,the study suggests the following measures be taken:improve the ability of mass organizations in participating in social construction through reform and innovation;enhance initiative and timeliness by strengthening the role of safeguarding workers'rights in participation;accelerate the construction of an intelligent trade union and innovate the ways of participation;keep within the limits of trade unions participation by striving to maintain political security in labor fi elds;and enhance the participatory forces by strengthening the construction of grassroots trade unions.
作者 邹震 ZOU Zhen(All-China Federation of Trade Unions,Beijing 100120)
机构地区 中华全国总工会
出处 《中国劳动关系学院学报》 2023年第3期29-35,共7页 Journal of China University of Labor Relations
关键词 社会建设 群团组织 工会组织 党的领导 social construction mass organizations trade union organizations leadership of the Party
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