
重庆市2010-2021年生殖道沙眼衣原体感染流行特征分析 被引量:1

Epidemiological characteristics of gential chlamydia trachomatis infection in Chongqing from 2010 to 2021
摘要 目的 分析重庆市2010-2021年生殖道沙眼衣原体感染流行特征,为重庆市开展生殖道沙眼衣原体感染防治工作提供科学依据。方法 通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统收集重庆市2010-2021年各医疗机构网络直报生殖道沙眼衣原体感染病例数据,按照报告地统计报告病例数和报告发病率,应用描述性流行病学方法分析生殖道沙眼衣原体感染的流行病学特征,采用空间自相关分析空间聚集性。结果 2010-2021年,重庆市生殖道沙眼衣原体感染累计报告病例数为16 030例,报告发病率从2010年的1.77/10万上升到2021年的7.44/10万,年均增长13.96%,报告发病率呈上升趋势(χ^(2)_(趋势)=44.85,P<0.05)。报告病例数中女性占比67.95%,男女报告发病率均呈增长趋势(男性χ^(2)_(趋势)=27.77,P<0.05;女性χ^(2)_(趋势)=62.66,P<0.05),其中男性报告发病率年均增长率10.57%,女性报告发病率年均增长率16.20%。发病年龄主要集中在20~39岁人群,占比77.95%,15~19岁年龄段发病率增长最快,年均增长率为20.56%。报告病例职业以家务及待业、农民、商业服务人员为主,2010-2021年以上三类人员共报告9 117例,占累计报告病例数的56.87%。2010-2021年重庆市生殖道沙眼衣原体感染报告病例数呈空间正相关,全局Moran’s I值为0.185(Z=2.047,P=0.035),总体表现为空间聚集性;“高-高”聚集为沙坪坝区、江北区、渝中区、南岸区、巴南区,“低-低”聚集区为彭水县,“低-高”聚集区为綦江区和长寿区。结论 2010-2021年重庆市生殖道沙眼衣原体感染发病率呈明显上升趋势,需加强对疫情高发人群生殖道沙眼衣原体感染的监测和防控力度,同时加强报告病例时空聚集区的宣传教育工作,控制疫情的传播。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of genital chlamydia trachomatis infection in Chongqing from 2010 to 2021, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of genital chlamydia trachomatis infection in Chongqing. Methods Date of chlamydia trachomatis cases in Chongqing from 2010 to 2021were collected through China Information System for Disease Prevention and Control. The epidemiological characteristics of chlamydia trachomatis infections were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological methods and spatial autocorrelation was used to analyze the spatial aggregation of chlamydia trachomatis infections. All the reported cases and reported incidence rates were counted by reporting area. Results From 2010 to 2021, a total of 16030 cases of genital chlamydia trachomatis infection were reported in Chongqing. The reported incidence rate increased from 1.77/100 000 in 2010 to 7.44/100 000 in 2021, with an average annual increase of 13.96%, and an overall upward trend was observed during 2010-2021(χ^(2)_(trend)=44.85, P<0.05). Female cases accounted for 67.95% of all the reported cases, and the reported incidence in females and males showed a growth trend(male χ^(2)_(trend) =27.77, P<0.05;female χ^(2)_(trend) =62.66, P<0.05), with an average annual growth rate of 10.57% in male and 16.20% in female. The incidence was predominantly at sexually active ages.The highest incidence was in the 20-39 age group, accounting for 77.95%. The fastest growth was in the 15-19 age group,with an average annual growth rate of 20.56%. Cases were mainly concentrated in people who are house workers/unemployed, farmers, and commercial service workers. These cases were reported in numbers of 9117 and accounted for 56.87% of all the total reported cases. The global Moran's I value was 0.185(Z=2.047, P=0.035), showing overall spatial aggregation. The "high-high" aggregation were in Shapingba District, Jiangbei District, Yuzhong District, Nanan District, and Banan District, and the "low-low" aggregation was in Pengshui County. The "low-high" agglomeration were in Qijiang District and Changshou District. Conclusions The incidence of chlamydia trachomatis infection in Chongqing from 2010 to 2021 showed a significant uptrend. The prevention and control of genital chlamydia trachomatis infection should be further strengthened in populations with high incidence. At the same time, we should strengthen the implementation of publicity and education in spatial and temporal gathering areas to reduce the spread of the epidemic.
作者 林璟 周超 谭天宇 贺亚萍 蒋和宏 吴国辉 LIN Jing;ZHOU Chao;TAN Tianyu;HE Yaping;JIANG Hehong;WU Guohui(Chongqing Center for Disease Preventior and Control,Chongqing 400042,China)
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期453-456,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 衣原体 感染 性病 流行病学 chlamydia infection sexually transmitted disease epidemiology
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