
西部地区农业产业集聚对农民收入的影响——基于地区工业化水平的调节效应 被引量:11

The Influence of Agricultural Agglomeration on Farmers'Income in Western China:Moderating Effect Based on The Level of Regional Industrialization
摘要 基于2005—2018年西部地区12个省(区、市)的地级市面板数据,检验西部地区农业产业集聚的动态演进过程对农民收入的影响,从而为西部地区提升农业产业竞争力和促进农村居民收入增长提供政策参考。估计结果表明,西部地区农业产业集聚的动态演进与农民收入呈U形关系。集聚前期,农产品供给规模增加与市场需求稳定的结构性偏差会负向影响农村居民收入,集聚发展期,农业产业集聚带来的农业生产效率提升以及关联性二、三产业的崛起,能够从产业增值分享、就业机会和工资性收入等方面对农村居民收入形成正向影响;在集聚演进与农民增收之间的U形关系中,西部地区工业化发展水平起到了正向调节作用,工业发展通过吸纳农村劳动力就业、改进农业生产技术、提升农业基础设施供给水平等强化农业产业集聚演进与农民收入之间的关系。上述研究结论为西部地区依托区域特色农业产业集聚构建三产融合的现代产业体系、依托现代农业经营组织提升农户家庭组织化程度、依托区域产业转移提升西部工业化水平提供了系列政策启示。 Based on the panel data of 12 provinces(districts and cities)in the western region from 2005 to 2018,this paper empirically examines the impact of the dynamic evolution of agricultural industrial agglomeration on farmers'income in the western region,so as to provide policy reference for the western region to enhance the competitiveness of agricultural industry and promote the income growth of rural residents.The estimated results show that there is a U-shaped relationship between the dynamic evolution of agricultural industrial agglomeration and farmers'income in the western region.In the early stage of agglomeration,the structural deviation between the increase of supply scale of agricultural products and the stability of market demand will negatively affect the income of rural residents.In the period of agglomeration and development,the improvement of agricultural production efficiency and the rise of related secondary and tertiary industries brought about by agricultural industrial agglomeration can have a positive impact on the income of rural residents from the aspects of industrial value-added sharing,employment opportunities and wage income.In the U-shaped relationship between the evolution of agglomeration and the increase of farmers'income,the development level of industrialization in the western region has played a positive regulatory role.Industrial development strengthens the relationship between the evolution of agricultural industrial agglomeration and farmers'income by absorbing the employment of rural labor force,improving agricultural production technology and improving the supply level of agricultural infrastructure.The above research conclusions provide a series of policy implications for the western region to build a modern industrial system based on the agglomeration of agricultural industries with regional characteristics,to enhance the degree of household organization by relying on modern agricultural management organizations,and to enhance the level of industrialization in the western region by relying on regional industrial transfer.
作者 李菁 LI Jing(School of Economics,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《经济经纬》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期45-54,共10页 Economic Survey
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(16CJY018) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71903079)。
关键词 西部地区 农业产业集聚 农民收入 乡村振兴 工业化水平 Western Region Agricultural Industry Clustering Farmers'Income Rural Revitalization Industrialization Level
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