
关于科技决策咨询建议撰写方法的思考与讨论 被引量:4

Thinking and Discussion on the Writing Method of Science and Technology Decision-Making Consultation Reports
摘要 [目的/意义]对科技决策咨询建议报告的撰写方法进行研究,以期在国际科技竞争加剧及国内科技自立自强建设的背景下,助力科技情报工作有效发挥科技决策咨询的重要作用。[方法/过程]以科技情报机构产出的决策咨询建议报告为研究对象,归纳其主要特征、厘清其基本类型,并基于国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的战略情报管理标准与模型提出适用于科技决策咨询工作与决策咨询建议报告撰写流程的DDIKI循环模型,运用该模型探讨这一类产品的撰写策略与方法。[结果/结论]科技决策咨询建议具有战略性、精准性、可读性、启示性四大特征,可分为即时情报推送、案例剖析推介、发展态势研判、科技问题分析、风险预测预警等五大类别,基于DDIKI循环模型可划分为输入需求、搭建框架、收集与分析数据、解析信息、提出建议、输出报告等六大流程环节,可为科技情报机构开展决策咨询工作、撰写决策咨询建议报告提供流程、方法、策略等参考,以期服务于新时期科技情报机构强化使命定位、助力高水平科技智库建设、应用于科技决策咨询服务工作、为高水平科技自立自强提供战略性支撑。 [Purpose/Significance]Science and technology decision-making consultation report is an important directional product of S&T information institutions that provides S&T knowledge,information support and countermeasure advice to meet the demands of decision-making departments or assist in solving specific problems.Under the background of intensifying international S&T competition and domestic S&T self-reliance and self-improvement construction,this paper studies the writing method of S&T decision-making consultation reports,so as to promote the effectiveness and strengthen the role of S&T information work in S&T decision-making consultation.[Method/Process]This paper conducted an in-depth research into the decision-making consultation reports produced by S&T information institution,combing and clarifying their main features and basic types.Based on the strategic intelligence management standard and model formulated by the International Organization for Standardization(ISO),a DDIKI(Demand-Oriented Data-to-Information-to-Knowledge-to-Intelligence)cycle model suitable for the writing process of S&T decision-making consultation reports was proposed.The model was further utilized to discuss the writing strategy and research method of this kind of product.[Result/Conclusion]It is proposed that S&T decision-making consultation reports demonstrate four distinctive features,i.e.strategic,accurate,readable and revelatory.The reports fall into five primary categories,i.e.instant information distribution,case analysis and promotion,development situation study and judgment,S&T problem-solving analysis,and risk prediction and early warning.Based on the DDIKI cycle model,the writing of such reports can be divided into six processes:demand-oriented input,framework building,data collection and analysis,information interpretation,suggestion compiling,and report output.Hopefully,this DDIKI cycle model could provide some references for processes,methods,and strategies for S&T information institutions to implement decision-making consultation tasks and to compile consultation reports,so as to assist the positioning of S&T information intuitions in the new era,help the building of high-level S&T think tanks,apply to S&T decision-making consulting services,and provide strategic support for China’s high-level S&T self-reliance construction.
作者 唐璐 刘昊 陈云伟 张娟 Tang Lu;Liu Hao;ChenYunwei;Zhang Juan(Chengdu Library and Information Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu 610299;Department of Information Resources Management,School of Economics and Management,University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190)
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第9期100-109,共10页 Library and Information Service
基金 四川省科技计划项目重大规划战略研究“四川省基础研究十年行动计划研究”(项目编号:2022JDR0010)研究成果之一。
关键词 科技情报 决策咨询 科技智库 科技创新 S&T information decision-making consultation S&T think tank S&T innovation
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