
以教师高质量引领教育高质量--区域整体推进教师专业发展的思考与行动 被引量:1

Leading High-quality Education With High-quality Teachers--Thoughts and Actions On Promoting Teachers'Professional Development as a Whole in the Region
摘要 教师是教育发展的第一资源,整体推进教师专业发展是区域教育改革发展的重中之重,事实上这也已成为全国各地竞相创新推进的重要领域。河南省濮阳县用“十年磨一剑”的精神持续发力,建构“一个信仰,五专模式”教师专业发展模型,引领广大教师制定个人专业发展规划,积极参与自觉的教师专业发展行动;区域内周期性开展“研训赛一体化”活动,为广大教师搭建共研、共学、共进的交流展示平台,提供更多专业发展的机会;形成“一体两翼多维保障”的教师专业发展支持服务体系,建设区域教师专业发展的良好生态系统;区域整体推进教师专业发展的一系列行动,催生出了以教师发展引领区域教育高质量发展的一系列成果。 Teachers are the first resource of educational development,and promoting teachers'professional development as a whole is the top priority of regional educational reform and development.In fact,this has also become an significant field for innovation and promotion all over the country.Puyang County,Henan Province,with the spirit of"grinding a sword in ten years",continues to construct a teacher professional development model of"One Belief,Five Specialties",leading teachers to formulate personal professional development plans and actively participating in conscious teacher professional development actions.Periodically we carry out"Integration of Research Training and Competitions"activities in the region to build an exchange and display platform for teachers to study,learn and advance together,so as to provide more opportunities for professional development;Our aim is to form a"One Body,Two Wings and Multi-dimensional Guarantee"support service system for teachers'professional development,and build a good ecosystem for Regional Teachers'professional development.A range of actions to promote teachers'professional development as a whole have spawned a series of achievements in leading the high-quality development of regional education with teachers'development.
作者 申建民 SHEN Jianmin
出处 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2023年第1期1-5,共5页 Journal of Jilin Provincial Institute of Education
关键词 教师专业发展 区域整体推进 模型 支持服务体系 teachers professional development overall promotion of the region model service system sup-port
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