

A Study on the Emotional Labor and Influence of College Counselors:Based on a Survey of 665 College Counselors in H Province
摘要 情绪劳动被认为是工作压力的重要来源之一,其对高校辅导员工作态度和行为的影响亟待确认。通过对H省665位高校辅导员的调研发现:(1)高校辅导员的情绪劳动强度处于中等偏上的水平;(2)高校辅导员的情绪劳动会消极影响个体的稳定性,即提高辅导员的离职意愿,但对个体的工作积极性反而具有一定程度的促进作用;(3)情绪劳动对高校辅导员离职意愿和工作积极性的影响不存在基于性别的显著差异。建议辅导员自身深化对情绪要求的全面认知、强化压力管理能力,而高校则需从入职期开始为辅导员提供系统性的培训与保健指导,降低情绪压力的消极影响。 Emotional labor is considered to be one of the important sources of work stress,and its influence on the work attitude and behavior of college counselors needs to be confirmed urgently.Through the survey of 665 college counselors in H province,the results show that:(1)the degree of emotional labor of college counselors is above the average level;(2)the emotional labor of college counselors will negatively affect the stability of individuals,that is,improve the turnover intention of college counselors;however,it has a certain degree of promoting effect on the individual's work enthusiasm;(3)there is no significant gender difference in the impact of emotional labor on turnover intention and work enthusiasm of college counselors.It is suggested that counselors should deepen their comprehensive cognition of emotional requirements and strengthen their ability of pressure management.Colleges and universities are required to provide systematic training and health guidance for counselors from the beginning of their employment period to reduce the negative effects of emotional stress.
作者 阚斌斌 林荣日 KAN Binbin;LIN Rongri(School of Educational Science,Jiangsu Second Normal University,Nanjing 211200,China;Research Institute for Higher Education,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《宿州教育学院学报》 2023年第2期11-16,48,共7页 Journal of Suzhou Education Institute
关键词 高校辅导员 情绪劳动 离职意愿 工作积极性 college counselor emotional labor turnover intention work enthusiasm
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