3Theodor Adorno, "Culture Industry Reconsidered," in Brian O' Connor ( ed. ), The Adorno Reader ( Oxford,Blackwell 2000).
4Clement Greenberg, "Avant- Garde and Kitsch," in Clement Greenberg, Art and Culture. Critical Essays ( Beacon Press, Boston 1961).
5Pierre Bourdieu, The Field of Cultural Production(Cambridge, Polity Press 1993).
6Richard Shusterman, Pragmatist Aesthetics. Living Beauty,Rethinking Art (Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell 1992).
7Gao Jianping, The Expressive Act in Chinese Art. From Calligraphy to Painting ( Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 1996).
8Ernst H. Gombrich, "Standards of Truth," in W. J. T.Mitchell (ed.), The Language of Images ( Chicago, University of Chicago Press 1974).
9Ales Erjavec, "Visual Culture," in Lars Kiel Bertelsen et al. ( eds. ), Symbolic Imprints. Essays on Photography and Visual Culture (Aarhus, Aarhus University Press1999).
10Norman Bryson, Vision and Painting. The Logic of the Gaze (New Haven, Yale University Press 1983).