

Analysis of the Artistic Taste of Chinese Painting that Incorporates Elements of Western Painting
摘要 中国画含蓄典雅、蕴意畅神的风格与西方绘画科学严谨的技法相互融合,相得益彰,为中国画展现历久弥新的艺术魅力拓展了路径。探索分析中国画吸纳西方绘画元素的艺术趣味,益于启迪国画研究创作的科学艺术理念,更好地吸纳与借鉴西方绘画的艺术之长,创作出更多思想性、艺术性、观赏性俱佳的精品力作。 The subtle and elegant style of Chinese painting and the scientific and rigorous techniques of Western painting are mutually integrated and complementary,expanding the path for Chinese painting to show its enduring artistic charm.It will be beneficial to explore and analyze the artistic taste of Chinese painting in absorbing the elements of Western painting,so as to enlighten the scientific artistic concept of Chinese painting research and creation and to better absorb and learn from the strengths of Western painting,so as to create more masterpieces with good ideology,artistry,and ornamental qualities.
作者 杨桂琴 Yang Guiqin(College of Art and Design,Harbin University,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150000,China)
出处 《黑龙江工业学院学报(综合版)》 2023年第5期151-156,共6页 Journal of Heilongjiang University of Technology(Comprehensive Edition)
基金 2022年度黑龙江省艺术与科学规划一般项目“现代国画经典作品构成要素艺术价值研究”(项目编号:2022B013)。
关键词 中国画 多元文化 艺术趣味 Chinese painting multicultural artistic taste
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