The global minimum tax scheme not only breaks international tax rules,but also gives the United States and Europe new tax rights.Its implementation will pose a serious challenge to Chinese companies registered in“tax havens”,particularly in the technology services sector(there are 42 of them).As an important leader of scientific and technological innovation in our country,the science and technology service enterprises play an important role in accelerating modernization.The implementation of the global minimum tax plan will bring great financial challenges to these enterprises in the science and technology service industry,which may lead to the blockage of their original tax avoidance channels.It will not only weaken the overall international competitiveness of our science and technology service industry,but also make the enterprises face the digital tax burden of European countries and suffer the double tax impact.Based on this,we need to make timely strategic plans to welcome Chinese companies back to China and create a more favorable and favorable business environment for them.At international level,participate in the formulation of global minimum tax rules,to enhance the power of discourse of our country;at the domestic level,we actively promote tax modernization,build a more internationally attractive tax system,maximize the impact of the global minimum tax scheme,and continuously improve the competitiveness of our scientific and technological services industry in the course of reform and opening up.
Li Xinzhao(Post-doctoral Research Station of China Development Institute,Shenzhen,Guangdong 518029)
China Opening Journal
Global Minimum Tax
Science and Technology Service Industry
International Competitiveness