

Possible Mechanisms of Energy Imbalance Affecting the Hypothalamus Kisspeptin System via Leptin
摘要 Kisspeptin系统是连接机体能量平衡与下丘脑-垂体-性腺(hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal,HPG)轴的重要桥梁。瘦素(Leptin)作为经典的脂肪因子受能量失衡影响后能够直接/间接作用于下丘脑中的Kiss-1神经元,影响Kisspeptin系统的表达,进而调节促性腺激素的分泌和释放,对生殖功能产生影响。从Leptin作用于Kisspeptin系统的分子机制、能量失衡状态下Leptin变化对Kisspeptin系统影响等方面,阐述能量失衡经Leptin对Kisspeptin系统产生影响的可能机制,以期为后续能量失衡与生殖功能相关研究提供帮助。 The Kisspeptin system is an important bridge between energy homeostasis and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal(HPG)axis of the body.Leptin asa classical adipokine,acts on Kiss-1 neurons in the hypothalamus to influence the expression of the Kisspeptin system,which in turn regulates the secretion and release of gonadotropins and impact on reproductive function.This article describes the possible mechanisms of energy imbalance via Leptin on the Kisspeptin system,in terms of the molecular mechanism of direct/indirect action of Leptin on the Kisspeptin system,and the effect of Leptin changes on the Kisspeptin system under the energy imbalance state,in order to provide help for subsequent studies on energy imbalance and reproductive function.
作者 徐瑞 纪旭 王文静 刘文青 XU Rui;JI Xu;WANG Wenjing;LIU Wenqing(Nanjing Sport Institute,School of Sports and Health,Nanjing 210014,China)
出处 《南京体育学院学报》 2023年第6期45-51,F0002,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Sports Institute
基金 江苏省教育厅自然科学基金面上项目(19KJB180018) 南京体育学院重点实验室项目(SYS202102) 江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划省级创新重点项目(202210330005Z)。
关键词 下丘脑 Kisspeptin系统 瘦素 能量失衡 hypothalamus Kisspeptin system Leptin energy imbalance
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