

Key Point of Prevention and Control Based on the Changing Characteristics of VOCs in Taiyuan City
摘要 本研究的目的是总结太原市大气VOCs的时空变化特征、潜在来源、传输轨迹及反应活性,提出太原市VOCs的防控重点。太原市VOCs年变化显示2014—2019年总VOCs水平降低了44.9%,季节上呈冬高夏低的特征,烷烃为占比最高组分(44%以上)。近年来发现醛酮类VOCs在夏季占比显著升高。源解析显示太原市VOCs主要来源于焦化和燃煤。O_(3)生成敏感性显示太原市O_(3)污染主要受VOCs的控制,烯烃和芳香烃分别是对臭氧生成潜势和二次有机气溶胶生成潜势贡献最大的组分。太原市VOCs的防控应加强本地太钢等污染源与西南方向清徐、孝义和交城等煤焦化工园区的联防联控,以及冬季太原西、西南方向的散煤污染防治。 The purpose of this study are to summarize the spatial and temporal variations,potential sources,transport pathways and reactivity of atmospheric VOCs in Taiyuan City,and propose the key points of VOCs prevention and control.The results showed that the mixing ratio of total VOCs in Taiyuan decreased by 44.9%from 2014 to 2019,and higher in winter and lower in summer.Alkanes account for the highest proportion(more than 44%),and in recent years,it has been found that the proportion of OVOCs increased significantly in summer.Source apportion showed that coking and coal combustion are the major sources of VOCs in Taiyuan.The O_(3) pollution in Taiyuan was mainly controlled by VOCs.Alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons contributed the most to OFP and SOAFP,respectively.Taiyuan City should pay more attention to steel,coal-related chemical industry in the work of prevention and control of VOCs,and strengthen the joint control of industrial parks in Qingxu,Xiaoyi and Jiaocheng in the southwest of Taiyuan.In addition,coal combustion in the west and southwest of Taiyuan also shuould be controled in winter.
作者 高雪莹 严星炜 Gao Xueyin;Yan Xingwei(Shanxi Institute of Science and Technology,Jincheng Shanxi 048000)
机构地区 山西科技学院
出处 《山西化工》 CAS 2023年第5期253-255,共3页 Shanxi Chemical Industry
基金 山西科技学院科研专项基金项目(XKY004)。
关键词 太原 VOCS 来源 反应活性 防治 Taiyuan VOCs source reactivity prevention
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