
领导情绪表达怎样影响员工建言? 被引量:1

How do Leadership Emotional Expressions Affect Employee Voices?
摘要 领导情绪与员工建言行为关系研究渐成组织行为领域的热点议题,但领导特定情绪表达方式将导致员工何种建言行为却仍缺乏更为细致的探讨,以往研究较少从员工工作动机视角探讨领导情绪表达对员工建言行为的多样化影响。本研究基于情绪即社会信息模型和自我决定理论构建了一个两阶段有调节的中介模型,试图通过揭示领导情绪表达与员工建言行为间的多重作用机制和边界条件,打开领导情绪表达方式与员工建言行为选择间的黑箱。310份两阶段的数据结果显示:(1)领导的情绪表达能够有效正向影响员工的建言行为(促进型建言、抑制型建言和防御型建言);(2)员工的工作动机(绩效动机、面子动机、职业成长动机)在领导的情绪表达和员工建言行为之间起中介作用;(3)差序氛围感知能有效调节领导情绪表达通过工作动机对员工建言行为的影响,即构成了一个两阶段有调节的中介模型。研究不仅丰富了建言行为产生机制的相关探讨,对管理实践也具有一定的现实意义。 Research on the relationship between leadership emotion and voice behavior has gradually become a hot topic in the field of organizational behavior,and some studies have shown that leadership emotion expression employees'is related to diverse voice behavior.However,there is still a lack of in-depth and detailed discussion on what kind of voice behavior will be caused by specific emotional expressions of leaders,and it is even rarer to explore the diverse impact of leadership emotional expressions on voice behavior from the perspective of employees'work motivation.This study examines how leadership emotional expression affects employee voice,and more carefully depicts and analyzes how leadership emotional expression affects voice behavior through work motivation,which has certain practical significance for tapping organizational potential and improving organizational management.This study builds a two-stage moderated mediation model based on the theory of Emotion As Social Information(EASI),and self-determination theory(SDT).By revealing the multiple mechanisms and boundary conditions between leadership emotional expression and voice behavior,it attempts to open the black box between leadership emotional expression and employee voice behavior choices.Employee behavior is driven by multi-dimensional motivation and has a multi-dimensional choice of voice types.After experiencing the expression of leadership emotions,due to different voice triggering pathways,they will exhibit diverse voice behaviors under different differential atmosphere perceptions.Therefore,the study uses employee work motivation as a mediator variable,and differential atmosphere perceptions as a moderator variable.In this study,a questionnaire survey was used to collect data.In order to ensure data objectivity and reduce the impact of homologous bias,a method of collecting data at two time points was adopted.The interval between the first and second questionnaires was 2 months,and 310 valid data were ultimately obtained.The specific research objects include MBA students from universities and business practitioners who have long been closely related to university social services,involving 42 enterprises in Shandong,Jiangsu,Beijing,Shanghai,and other provinces and cities.The industry in which the respondents are located conforms to the strong dynamics of the current organizational environment surrounding technology,talent,and market competition.Organizational management has a strong demand for advice.The respondents have a profound understanding of leadership emotions,pressure motivation,organizational atmosphere,and advice behavior.The study used structural equation models and multiple linear regression models for hypothesis testing.First,use Amos 26.0 to conduct confirmatory factor analysis on relevant variables,then test the main effect of leadership emotional expression on employee voice behavior,and use Bootstrap method to analyze and test the mediating effect of employee work motivation.Finally,Spss 22.0 was used to test the regulatory effect of differential atmosphere.The results of data analysis show that:(1)leaders'emotional expression can effectively and positively affect employees'voice behavior(promoting voice,inhibiting voice,and defensive voice);(2)Employees'work motivation(performance motivation,face motivation,and career growth motivation)plays a mediating role between leaders'emotional expression and employees'voice behavior;(3)The perceived difference in order atmosphere can effectively regulate the impact of leadership emotional expression on employee voice behavior through work motivation,which constitutes a two-stage moderated mediation model.The theoretical contributions of the study include:revealing a more detailed and complex mechanism of interaction between leadership emotional expression and voice behavior,and attempting to answer the question of what voice behavior a leader's specific emotional expression triggers among employees;It expands the boundary conditions of employees'choice of voice in leadership emotional expression and work motivation,elaborately explains the generation mechanism of“silence is golden”under the influence of traditional Chinese culture,and points out and verifies that employees do not choose not to voice,but rather choose different purposes and methods of voice;An integrated two-stage moderated mediation model is constructed,which effectively promotes the research on the generation mechanism of voice behavior in complex situations.
作者 刘军 夏咏冰 金丽 房茂涛 LIU Jun;XIA Yong-bing;JIN Li;FANG Mao-tao(School of Business Administration,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan,Shandong,250014,China;Business School,University of Jinan,Jinan,Shandong,250022,China)
出处 《经济管理》 北大核心 2023年第4期100-115,共16页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目“领导情绪表达对员工角色外行为的影响研究——基于差序氛围的视角”(21CGLJ15) 山东省自然科学基金项目“学习-认知视角下差异化变革型领导的前因构型与转换过程研究”(ZR2020MG026)。
关键词 领导情绪表达 工作动机 差序氛围感知 员工建言 leadership emotion expression work motivation differential atmosphere perception employee voice
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