
德国应用科学大学双元制培养模式的内涵特征与动因分析 被引量:7

Analysis of the Connotational Characteristics and Motivation of the Dual Study Programme of the University of Applied Sciences in Germany
摘要 德国应用科学大学双元制培养模式在博洛尼亚进程后经历了快速发展,目前应用科学大学已成为双元制专业办学规模最大的高校类型。对汉诺威应用科学大学的个案研究显示,通过面向企业需求的专业设置、凸显职业能力的培养目标、高强度贯通式的企业实训、强化生产实践的课程模块以及体系化、制度化的校企合作,应用科学大学双元制专业构建了“就业导向型”培养模式。与普通专业相比,双元制专业在内容与形式上具有系统性的差异化和灵活性,这是由应用科学大学的办学定位决定的,更凸显出应用型高校顺应经济社会发展需求的战略抉择。我国应用型高校应强化自身的应用型定位,充分发挥企业的教育主体作用,推进体制机制创新。 The dual study programme of German Universities of Applied Sciences(UAS)has undergone rapid development after the Bologna process.Currently,universities of applied sciences have become the largest type of universities with dual system majors in Germany.The case study of the UAS Hannover(Hochschule Hannover)shows that the dual system of majors in the UAS has established a“employment oriented”talent cultivation model through professional settings geared to the needs of enterprises,training objectives that highlight professional abilities,intensive and coherent enterprise training,curriculum modules that strengthen production practice,as well as institutionalized and systematized college-enterprise cooperation.Compared with ordinary majors,dual system majors have systematic differences and flexibility in content and form,which is determined by the positioning of universities of applied sciences,and highlights the strategic choices of UAS to meet the needs of economic and social development.For China’s application oriented universities,their own application oriented positioning should be strengthened,let the enterprises play the important role,and meanwhile the institutional innovation should also be promoted.
作者 徐理勤 王兆义 XU Liqin;WANG Zhaoyi(Zhejiang University of Science and Technology,Hangzhou 310023)
出处 《中国高教研究》 北大核心 2023年第5期71-78,共8页 China Higher Education Research
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学年度规划重点课题“德国‘双元制’高等教育模式的制度边界及移植过程中的适应性研究”(21NDJC016Z)的研究成果。
关键词 双元制高等教育 应用科学大学 差异化 灵活性 产教融合 the dual study programme in higher education university of applied sciences differentiation flexibility integration of industry and education
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