

On Marriage and Love Story and Its Connotation in The Legend of the Mandarin Duck Lantern
摘要 宋传奇《鸳鸯灯传》以青年男女婚恋嫁娶为主题,讲述了官宦世家男子与两位市井女性的感情纠葛,颇具传奇色彩。故事真实地反映了宋代社会影响巨大的财婚与榜下择婿等婚姻风俗,呈现出宋代读书人婚姻的运行模式及其潜在风险,也反映了经济因素在男子婚恋选择中所起的重要作用;同时,揭示出封建社会的一种普遍现象,即市井女性在丈夫发迹后被抛弃的悲惨命运。故事颇具理想色彩的大团圆结局,寄托了作者对妇女不幸遭遇的深切同情,也反映了女性对美满婚姻生活的期冀,同时让读者在虚构的世界中感受到正义的希望,从而获得些许慰藉。 The Legend of the Mandarin Duck Lantern in Song dynasty focuses on the marriage and love between young men and women,and tells the story of the emotional entanglement between a man from an official family and two women from common class,full of legendary atmosphere,which truly reflects the marriage customs of the Song dynasty,such as marriage based on assets and marriage of choosing a Scholar(a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations)as a husband,which has a huge impact on society.It also presents the operational mode and potential risks of the scholars’marriage in the Song dynasty,and highlights the important role played by economic factors in men’s marriage.At the same time,it is a common phenomenon in feudal society to reveal the tragic fate of women from common class who were abandoned after their husbands became prosperous.The idealistic happy ending of the story conveys the author’s deep sympathy for women’s unfortunate experiences,reflects women’s expectations for happy marriages,and allows readers to feel the hope of justice in a fictional world,thus obtaining some comfort.
作者 王凯 辛志英 WANG Kai;XIN Zhiying(College of Literature and History,Shijiazhuang University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050035,China)
出处 《衡水学院学报》 2023年第3期119-123,共5页 Journal of Hengshui University
基金 石家庄学院博士科研启动基金资助项目(21BS022)。
关键词 《鸳鸯灯传》 婚恋故事 宋代小说 The Legend of the Mandarin Duck Lantern love story novels of song dynasty
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