
新工科背景下课程思政系统设计与实施 被引量:10

Systematic Design and Implementation on Curriculum Ideological and Political Education Underground of Emerging Engineering Education
摘要 科技革命、产业变革和新经济发展,对高等工程教育产生深远影响,新工科建设的社会意义在于其超越传统工程领域,塑造未来工程人才的“新素养”。该文首先分析新工科背景下电气工程专业人才培养的新需求;接着,针对当前课程思政教育存在的不足,以华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院对专业课程思政改革实践为例,提出建立包括家国情怀、责任担当、个人修养、科学精神、工程师精神和创新精神六维课程思政教学目标体系框架,体现“大思政”理念,具有鲜明的时代特色和工程特色;最后,文中给出全面构建课程思政教育体系的整体设计、可具体操作的建设思路、实施路径和效果,引导学生建立正确的价值观和工程观,以期对我国电气工程专业人才培养提供有益借鉴和参考。 Technological revolution,industrial transformation and new economic development have had a profound impact on higher engineering education.The social significance of establishing Emerging Engineering Education is to shape the"new literacy"of future engineering talents by transcending the traditional engineering fields.This paper analyzed the new needs of these changes on the talent cultivation of electrical engineering discipline;and then,aiming the deficiencies in the current curriculum ideological and political education,taking the series of reform measures taken by the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technologyas an example.Firstly,asix-dimensional framework for the ideological and political education objectives of professional courses has been proposed to establish,including Devotion to family and country,Responsibility,Personal Quality,Scientific Spirit,Engineer Spirit and Innovative Spirit,reflecting the concept of‘Big Ideological and Political Education’,with distinctive characteristics of the times and engineering feature.Secondly,the construction of the six-dimensional curriculum ideological and political education goal framework is decomposed into 19 secondary sub-goals and connotation explanations,which are used as the basis for curriculum teaching design,syllabus approval,and lesson plan compilation.Thirdly,according to the characteristics and value connotation of different types of courses,the ideological and political goals of the courses are classified and decomposed into various courses.The support of different courses for the ideological and political goals is divided into four levels:introductory,strengthening,application and comprehensive,forming a progressive system.Supporting relationships to achieve the goal of ideological and political education in the curriculum,covering the entire process from enrollment to graduation.Finally,through the establishment of a comprehensive multi-dimensional evaluation system such as student(class)growth assessment files,second class transcripts,and questionnaires,students'commitment to conduct,social interaction,service,self-efficacy and behavior,and academic achievement are included in the evaluation indicators to achieve The overall ideological and political education of the curriculum can be evaluated and measurable.The following conclusions can be drawn from this paper:(1)Systematic design and implementation on curriculum ideological and political education can effectively form a synergistic education effect between different types of courses.(2)Under the six-dimensional framework for the ideological and political education objectives of professional courses,teachers can choose appropriate courses according to the characteristics of specific courses and their own expertise.(3)The multiple comprehensive evaluation system can realize the continuous improvement of the professional teaching of course ideological and political integration,and effectively improve the teaching quality.It was expected to provide valuable reference for the talents'cultivation of electrical engineering discipline in China.
作者 张蓉 文劲宇 李红斌 杨勇 贺恒鑫 Zhang Rong;Wen Jinyu;Li Hongbin;Yang Yong;He Hengxin(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074 China)
出处 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期3094-3100,共7页 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society
基金 国家级新工科研究与实践项目(E-NYDQHGC20202219) 湖北高校省级教学研究项目(2020068,2021068)资助。
关键词 新工科 课程思政 目标导向 系统化设计 Emerging engineering education curriculum ideological and political education outcomes-based education systematic design
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