

A Study of Chinese Traditional Agricultural Technical Monographs Introduced to Japan via the Maritime Silk Road
摘要 中国传统农业技术以科技典籍为载体经海上丝路大量传入日本,对其产生了深远影响。《齐民要术》自九世纪通过海路传入后从未退出日本的历史舞台,日本学者把其中的农作技术视为东亚农耕文化的定式。《天工开物》传日后,书中记载的生产方式、技术手段、农业思想和生态哲学均产生了历久弥新的影响。江户初期,应用性极强的《农政全书》传入日本,促成日本编撰第一部重要的农书《农业全书》。“锁国”时期的江户日本多次出现中国农书的出版热,汉学家、儒学家、国学家们热衷于学习其中的农业技术和方法,进行抄录、训点和校注。一些版本成为孤本、珍本,反哺中国学术界,成为中日文化交流的力证。系统梳理经海上丝路传日的中国传统农业典籍,有助于了解丝路文明对中日交流的影响,对推进中华传统科技文化的传播力和影响力也具有借鉴意义。 Chinese traditional agricultural techniques were introduced into Japan through the Maritime Silk Road with scientific and technological classics as the carrier and had far-reaching influence.Since Qi Min Yao Shu was introduced by ship in the ninth century,it has never left the stage of Japanese history.Japanese scholars regard its farming techniques as the pattern of East Asian farming culture.After Tian Gong Kai Wu was introduced to Japan,the production mode,technical means,agricultural thought and ecological philosophy recorded in the book had a lasting influence.In the early Edo period,the highly applied Nong Zheng Quan Shu was introduced into Japan,which contributed to the compilation of the first important agricultural book Nougyouzensho in Japan.In Edo Japan during the “Seclusion” period,the publication of Chinese agricultural books was hot for many times.Confucians and sinologists were keen to learn the agricultural techniques and methods,and made transcription,instruction and annotation.Some editions have become rare or single,feeding the Chinese academic community and becoming strong evidence of cultural exchanges between China and Japan.A systematic review of traditional Chinese agricultural books transmitted to Japan through the Maritime Silk Road is helpful to understand the influence of the Silk Road civilization on the exchanges between China and Japan,and also has reference significance for promoting the propagation and influence of traditional Chinese scientific and technological culture.
作者 萨日娜 梁铭心 SA Ri-na;LIANG Ming-xin(School of Marxism,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 北大核心 2023年第4期109-116,共8页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“海上丝路与中国古代科技向日本传播研究”(17BZS123)。
关键词 海上丝绸之路 农业技术 齐民要术 天工开物 农政全书 The Maritime Silk Road Agricultural Technology Qi Min Yao Shu Tian Gong Kai Wu Nong Zheng Quan Shu
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