

Comparison and Analysis of the Design Calculation of Uplift Piles in China Standard and Eurocode
摘要 目前欧标设计规范在全球应用广泛,随着中国企业在国外的项目越来越多,中欧规范在抗拔桩计算上的差异成为困扰工程设计人员的主要问题。本文介绍欧标设计规范中抗拔桩的计算方法,并与中国《建筑桩基技术规范》(JGJ 94—2008)以及《公路桥涵地基与基础设计规范》(JTG 3363—2019)进行对比,分析中欧规范中基桩抗拔力计算的异同点。研究表明:欧标设计规范中3种设计方法对抗拔桩计算均适用。每种计算方法侧重点不同且计算结果均有差异性,与欧标设计规范相比,中国规范计算结果更为保守。 At present,the Eurocodes are widely used in the world.With the increasing number of oversea projects of Chinese enterprise,the differences between the Chinese standard and Eurocode in the calculation of uplift piles have become a major problem facing the Chinese engineering designers.This paper introduces the calculation method of the uplift piles in the Eurocode,and compares it with China′s“Technical Code for Building Pile Foun-dations”and“Specifications for Design of Foundation of Highway Bridges and Culverts”to analyze the similarities and differences in the calculation of the uplift resistance of the uplift pile.The research results show that the three design methods in the Eurocode are all applicable to the calculation of the uplift piles.Each calculation method has different emphasis and calculation result.Compared with the Eurocode,the calculation results of the two Chi-nese codes are more conservative.
作者 王亚坤 孙爱斌 张国祥 郭帅杰 Wang Yakun;Sun Aibin;Zhang Guoxiang;Guo Shuaijie(Highway-Municipal Business Department,China Railway Design Corporation,Tianjin 300308,China;Engineering Laboratory of Rail Traffic Survey and Design,China Railway Design Corporation,Tianjin 300308,China)
出处 《铁道技术标准(中英文)》 2023年第5期29-34,共6页 Railway Technical Standard(Chinese & English)
基金 中国铁设科技开发项目(2021GB102)。
关键词 欧标设计规范 抗拔桩 基桩抗拔力 对比分析 差异性 Eurocode uplift pile foundation pile uplift force comparative analysis difference
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