

Reshaping European Security Order:Historic Implications of Helsinki Final Act
摘要 冷战时期,1975年《赫尔辛基最后文件》作为欧安组织前身欧洲安全与合作会议的第一个成果,是美苏全球均势和欧洲权力斗争共同作用的产物。该文件强调“安全不可分割”,具有约束性、清晰性、全面性、对等性的特征,为东西方阵营提供了对话平台与行为准则,起到了维护地区和平与安全的作用。冷战后,俄罗斯未能融入西方阵营,欧洲形成了分别以北约的欧洲部分和俄罗斯为中心的两个地区安全复合体。在全球和地区权力失衡的背景下,美国和一些西方国家背离“安全不可分割”原则,推动北约东扩,导致欧洲安全结构丧失全面性、对等性与约束性,两个安全复合体非但难以融合,反而矛盾加剧,成为俄乌对抗不断升温的深层次背景。2022年2月24日爆发的俄乌冲突使欧洲安全陷入新一轮动荡,欧洲安全机制建设的任务更加紧迫。欧洲若想重建持久和平,构建共同、平衡、可持续的安全框架,不仅应重温赫尔辛基精神,更需要直面全球和地区权力政治的新现实、新趋势,构建新的权力平衡基础。 During the Cold War,as the first achievement of the CSCE(the predecessor of OSCE),the 1975 Helsinki Final Act was based on both the balance of power between the two global powers of the United States and the Soviet Union and the power struggle in Europe.Emphasizing the principle of“indivisibility of security”and characterized by its binding nature,clarity,comprehensiveness and equivalence,this act has provided a platform for dialogue,made clear the code of conduct for both Eastern and Western blocs,which helps to maintain regional peace and security.Since the Cold War,Russia has failed to integrate into the West and two regional security complexes,respectively with the European NATO members and Russia as centers,have been formed on the European continent.Against the backdrop of global and regional power imbalance,the U.S.-dominated West has abandoned the principle of“indivisibility of security”and instead promoted NATO enlargement,which result in the lack of comprehensiveness,equivalence and binding nature of the European security structure.It becomes more difficult for the two security complexes to integrate and on the contrary their contradictions have intensified,which is root cause for the escalation of Russia-Ukraine conflict.Th Russia-Ukraine conflict,which broke out on 24 Feb 2022,has plunged European security into a new round of turbulence,making the task of building a European security mechanism even more urgent.If Europe wishes to rebuild its lasting peace and build a common,balanced and sustainable security framework,it should not only return to the Helsinki spirit,but also face up to new realities and new trends of global and regional power politics,shaping a new balance of power.
作者 王义桅 段悯农 Wang Yiwei;Duan Minnong
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 2023年第2期73-101,共29页 Russian Studies
基金 教育部高校国别和区域研究项目“后疫情时代‘17+1’合作支点区域研究:以西巴尔干区域为中心的考察”(项目批准号:2020-N34)的研究成果。
关键词 《赫尔辛基最后文件》 欧洲安全秩序 地区安全复合体 俄乌冲突 the 1975 Helsinki Final Act European Security Order Regional Security Complex the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
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