
高职学情状态与学习收获提升策略 被引量:2

The Learning Situation in Vocational Colleges and Strategies for Improving Gains of Learning
摘要 职业教育已进入提质培优、增值赋能的新阶段,高职学情状态是职业教育高质量发展的重要观察窗口。对A学院1 800名学生进行调查,从学习心理、学习行为、学习环境、学习评价、学习收获5个维度进行学情分析,研究发现:高职学情状态总体偏正向,性别、年级、学科、入学方式对学情状态和学习收获产生显著影响,生源地、生源类型、独生子女与否与学情状态和学习收获不相关;学习动力、学习动机、向学水平、专业兴趣、课外学习、深度学习、学校支持、学习指导评价对学习收获产生显著正向影响。为此提出激发学习动力,做好职业规划教育;规范学习行为,引导学生自主学习;优化学习环境,加强师生互动交流;坚持需求导向,分类培养精准施教等与学习收获提升有关的对策和建议。 Vocational education has entered a new stage of improving quality,cultivating excellence and adding value to empowerment.The state of the learning situation in vocational colleges is an important window of observation for the high-quality development of vocational education.Based on a sample survey of 1,800 students in College A,their learning situation is analyzed from such five dimensions as the psychology,behaviors,the environment,the evaluation and gains of learning.The results show that the learning situation in vocational colleges is generally positive-going.Factors like the sex,the grade,the subject and the way of enrollment have a significant impact on the learning situation and gains of learning,while factors like the source of students,the type of students and whether they are the only child are not related to the learning situation and gains of learning.Factors like the driving force of learning,the motive of learning,the level of being fond of learning,the specialized interest,the extracurricular learning,the deep learning,the support of schools and the evaluation of guidance on learning have a remarkably positive impact on gains of learning.Finally,this paper puts forward relevant strategies and suggestions on improving gains of learning such as stimulating the driving force of learning and doing a good job of the education of career planning,standardizing learning behaviors and guiding students on autonomous learning,optimizing the environment of learning and enhancing the teacher-student interaction,and adhering to the demand-orientation and classified cultivation and precise teaching.
作者 徐园园 陶丽 XU Yuanyuan;TAO Lil(Anhui Technical College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Wuhu Anhui 241002,P.R.China;Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,Bangkok Thailand 10300,Thailand)
出处 《重庆电力高等专科学校学报》 2023年第2期73-78,共6页 Journal of Chongqing Electric Power College
基金 2021年安徽高校科学研究重大项目(SK2021ZD0118) 2020年安徽省质量工程重点项目(2020szjyxm032) 安徽省质量工程项目(2022jyxm260) 安徽省职教学会教育教学研究规划课题(azcg41)。
关键词 高职 学情状态 学情分析 学习收获 higher vocational education learning situation analysis of the learning situation gain of learning
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