

Project-Based Analysis on Research and Development Status of Medical Sensors in the Unite States
摘要 美国对医用传感器的资助主要从面向医疗需求和面向技术发展两个方面展开,资助力度相似。资助项目主要以探索性科学研究为主,也包括针对创新型小企业的研究和转化项目。高校是项目资助的主要对象,工程与材料领域研究水平较高,医疗研究基础强、资源丰富,产学研合作紧密的高校在项目竞争中更具优势。肿瘤生物标志物检测、神经系统与行为研究、分子特异性反应机制和医学影像学方面的医用传感器研究初具规模。本研究总结了美国对医用传感器的项目资助模式,分析了美国医用传感器的发展态势,为我国加强该领域顶层设计与布局提供参考。 The funding for medical sensors research projects in the U.S.mainly focus on medical demand and technological development,with similar funding efforts.The funded projects mainly focus on exploratory scientific research,and also include innovative small enterprise-oriented research and transformation projects.Universities and colleges are the main objects of the project funding.The universities and colleges with high level of research in the field of engineering and materials,strong foundation of medical research and clinical resources,and close industry-university-research cooperation have more advantages in project competition.The researches of medical sensors in the aspects of cancer biomarkers detection,nervous system and behavior,molecular specific reaction mechanism and medical imaging have begun to take shape.This paper summarized the project funding mechanism of medical sensors in the U.S.and analyzed the development trend,so as to provide references for strengthening the toplevel design and layout of this field in China.
作者 严舒 张婷 欧阳昭连 YAN Shu;ZHANG Ting;OUYANG Zhaolian(Department of Strategic Intelligence Research on Medical Device and Drug,Institute of Medical Information,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100020,China)
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2023年第6期22-28,共7页 China Medical Devices
基金 国家自然科学基金(L1924064) 中央高校基本科研业务费(3332022041) 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程(2021-I2M-1-056)。
关键词 医用传感器 美国国立卫生研究院 美国国家自科科学基金会 科技项目 medical sensor national institutes of health national science foundation of U.S. science and technology project
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