

Peer Review Circles:The Value of Working in Triadic Groups and Oral Observational Peer Feedback in the Development of Student Feedback Literacy
摘要 关于同伴反馈有效性、尤其是学习者积极参与反馈并根据反馈采取行动的最佳方式的争论越来越多(Lam,2017)。研究表明,妥善处理的同伴反馈可以带来许多社会、认知和语言方面的好处(Sun&Doman,2018)。本文研究了24位来自缅甸的英语教师对于同伴反馈圈(PRC)的看法。在PRC中,学习者以三人一组的形式工作,其中两人对第三个人的表现提供反馈,第三个人倾听、反思,然后才对反馈意见做出回应。结果发现,教师认为这种安排可以增加反馈的数量、多样性和可靠性,营造更有利于反馈的氛围,并有助于发展“软技能/通用技能”。受访者认为,教师和学生对这种新方法不熟悉、时间限制以及可能出现相互矛盾的反馈意见是PRC的潜在困难。为了克服这些问题,受访者建议为教师和学习者提供培训与示范。本文为管理同伴反馈的不同方式提供借鉴,强调了在三人小组相对于二人小组的好处,以及口头观察同伴反馈对培养学生反馈素养的价值。在同伴反馈培训过程中,不仅需要关注程序方面,还需要关注培养学习者的情绪能力,以帮助他们在当今的教育环境中持续学习。 There has been increasing debate about the effectiveness of peer feedback,especially the way learners actively engage with and act upon the feedback(Lam,2017).Yet research has shown that well-managed peer feedback offers a host of social,cognitive and linguistic benefits(Sun&Doman,2018).This paper looks at the perceptions of 24 teachers of English from Myanmar who experienced and evaluated a new way of organizing the peer feedback process known as Peer Review Circles(PRCs).In PRCs,learners work in groups of three,with two giving feedback on the work of the third,who listens,reflects on and only then responds to the comments.It was found that teachers perceived this arrangement to increase the quantity,variety and reliability of feedback,create a more conducive feedback atmosphere and aid the development of“soft/transferable”skills.Respondents identified teachers’and learners’lack of familiarity with this new approach,time constraints and the possibility of conflicting comments as potential difficulties of PRCs.To overcome these,respondents suggested providing training to teachers and learners,especially through modelling.This paper sheds light on a different way of managing peer feedback,PRCs,highlighting the benefits of working in triadic over dyadic groups and the value of oral observational peer feedback to develop students’feedback literacy.The key implications relate to peer review training and the need to focus not just on procedural aspects but also on developing learners’emotional competence to help sustain their language learning within today’s educational landscape.
作者 玛丽·杨 Marie YEO(SEAMEO RELC,Singapore)
出处 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2023年第2期270-288,327,328,共21页 中国应用语言学(英文)
关键词 同伴反馈圈 口头观察反馈 双人反馈 反馈素养 反馈利用 peer review circles oral observational feedback dyadic feedback feedback literacy feedback utilization
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