

The Memory Discourse of Tibetan Sacred Mountain Narrative Tradition and Sinicization of Buddhism——Interpreting Two Sacred Texts of Brag dkar Sprel dzong Based on the Perspectives of Cultural Memory Theory
摘要 位于青海省海南藏族自治州兴海县的哲噶尔赛宗是藏族历史上著名的佛教静修神山。笔者在对其调研过程中发现,16至17世纪之间的《哲噶尔赛宗圣地志》和20世纪的《哲噶尔赛宗礼赞右旋法螺之妙音》作为两部具有代表性的圣地史志文本叙述了哲噶尔赛宗从山神到神山的演变进程,显示出佛教与中华文化交流和交融的历史意义和现实意义。在文化记忆理论下,两部圣地史志文本作为记忆的媒介凸显了叙事的张力,意蕴了新旧文化记忆、传统与新生文化的话语权之争。哲噶尔赛宗作为记忆的场域,历史上的藏传佛教对其记忆的文本化建构肇始于苯教和噶举派时期,再造于宁玛派时期,成形于格鲁派时期,在不同的解读和重新构建中,神山形象经历着不同的变化,这在本质上是新记忆不断被建构、旧记忆不断被遗忘、新旧文化交替展演的过程,彰显了佛教不断与中国本土文化相结合的特征,也是中华文化的包容性和凝聚力的具体体现,提供了一种至今在藏族社会的佛教中国化的典型例证。 Brag dkar Sprel dzong sacred mountain is a well-known retreat holy mountain in Amdo Tibet.The Brag dkar Sprel dzong dkar chag and the Praise of Brag dkar Sprel dzong are two typical pilgrimage texts of Sprel dzong mountain,which describe the evolution process from the territorial god of Sprel dzong in primitive society to a Buddhist holy mountain,indicating the historical and practical significance of the interchange and integration of Buddhism and Chinese culture.Under the theory of cultural memory,the two pilgrimage texts as a media of cultural memory in Tibetan society metaphorized the paradox between the old and new tradition of cultural memory and the fights for discursive power in Tibet.Historically,great Lamas of the Kagyu,Nyingma and Geluk school of Tibetan Buddhism have been here written pilgrimage texts to establish a historical contact between the"semi historical figures"such as Padmasambhava and the mountain attempt to make this place a retreat area of their own sects.The construction of Brag dkar Sprel dzong cultural memory started in the period of Kagyu school,rebuilt by Nyingma school and formed in the period of Geluk school.The image of the mountain from"the land pointed by Padmasambhava"to a Trinity evolution mode of"Avalokiteshvara site"."the second Tsari mountain"and"the palace of Chakrasamvara"reveals the process of the alternation of old and new memories in this place.lt is also a process of a constant construction of new memories and forgetting of old memories.Finally,it also provides a typical example of the historical Sinicization of Buddhism that is still alive in Tibetan society today.
作者 才旦加 Cai Dan jia
机构地区 中央民族大学
出处 《青海民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第1期149-157,共9页 Journal of Qinghai Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 哲噶尔赛宗神山 《哲噶尔赛宗圣地志》 《哲噶尔赛宗礼赞》 文化记忆 佛教中国化 Brag Dkar Sprel Dzong Sacred Mountain Brag Dkar Sprel Rdaong Gi Dkar Chag Brag Dkar Sprel Redaung Gi Batad Pa Chos Dung G.yas Su'Khyil Ba'i Sgra Dbyangs Cultural Memory Sinicization of Buddhism
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