On November 30,2018,China PTA futures market implemented the policy of introducing foreign investors,which has played a positive role in improving the futures market liquidity and running efficiency.This article uses the spillover index model to measure the international pricing influence of China's PTA futures market.On this basis,it uses a multiple linear panel regression model to analyze the enhancing effect of introducing foreign investor policies on the international pricing influence of China's PTA futures market.The re-sults indicate that the introduction of foreign investor policies significantly promotes the improvement of China's PTA international pricing influence,and the depth of the futures market also significantly enhances the international pricing influence of China's PTA futures;The de-gree of speculation in the futures market and market volatility have a significant negative impact on the international pricing influence of China's PTA futures market.Based on the above research conclusions,policy implications can be drawn:continuing to promote the intro-duction of foreign investor policies and further expand the scope of futures market opening;Enhancing the depth of the futures market and promoting the liquidity of the futures market;Strengthening the supervision of the futures market,curbing excessive speculation and volatili-ty in the market,and maintaining the stable and healthy operation of the futures market.
Price:Theory & Practice
PTA futures
foreign investors
international pricing influence
spillover index
market supervision