
肠道菌群重建的层次及其核心介入途径 被引量:3

The levels and core delivery ways of gut microbial reconstruction
摘要 近年来不断涌现的研究凸显了肠道菌群对人类健康和疾病的重要性.利用重建肠道菌群的手段治疗疾病的临床证据越来越多,进一步催生医学和生命科学领域的变革性发展.本文重点对肠道菌群重建的3个层次(洗涤菌群移植、选择性菌群移植和益生菌)和相关核心介入途径的最新进展进行详细阐述,并涉及大众对肠道菌群与人体之间整体整合关系的认识障碍、相关技术的伦理与法律问题、未来发展方向等,以期更好地认识和利用肠道菌群治疗疾病. Emerging studies have highlighted the importance of gut microbiota(also called microbiome or microecology)for human health and diseases in recent years.There are increasing clinical evidences on the treatment of diseases by microbial reconstruction,which further promotes the revolutionary development in the field of medicine and life science.Here we aim to elaborate the latest progress of the levels(washed microbiota transplantation,selective microbiota transplantation and probiotics)and core delivery ways of gut microbial reconstruction,the understanding on the holistic integrative relationship between gut microbiota and human,the ethical and legal issues of microbiota-related technologies,and the future direction.This review would help researchers and practitioners to understand and use gut microbiota for diseases management.
作者 陆高辰 张发明 LU GaoChen;ZHANG FaMing(Medical Center for Digestive Diseases,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210011,China;Department of Microbiotherapy,Sir Run Run Hospital,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China)
出处 《中国科学:生命科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期582-593,共12页 Scientia Sinica(Vitae)
基金 江苏省“十三五”科教强卫工程领军人才/创新团队(张发明) 江苏省重大研发计划(批准号:BE2018751)资助。
关键词 微生物 菌群 洗涤菌群移植 菌群失调相关性疾病 经内镜肠道植管术 microbe microbiota washed microbiota transplant dysbiosis-related disease transendoscopic enteral tubing
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