

The effect of vermiculite compound matrix on pepper seedling cultivation
摘要 【目的】选用新疆南疆产蛭石复配菇渣、炉渣,筛选出适合南疆温室辣椒育苗的基质配方。【方法】于2021年5~7月在塔里木大学园艺试验站连栋温室内进行辣椒育苗试验,采用随机区组设计,以纯蛭石作为对照,设置7个处理组,测定不同基质配方的理化性质及辣椒的株高、茎粗、根面积、可溶性糖含量等生长与生理指标。【结果】CK(纯蛭石)可以为辣椒提供良好的根系生长环境,除T2(蛭石:炉渣:菇渣的体积比为1∶0∶1)、T4(蛭石∶炉渣∶菇渣的体积比为1∶1∶1)处理,其余处理组合的理化性质都符合辣椒育苗基质标准。八叶一心时T2株高最高为8.5 cm、CK茎粗最粗为1.59 cm、T7(蛭石∶炉渣∶菇渣的体积比为4∶1∶1)叶面积最大为4.41 cm^(2),CK出苗率最高为90%、根系生长也最好分别为主根长度93.25 mm、根面积511.29 mm^(2)、根尖数21.33个、根平均长度49.8 mm,生理指标中T1(蛭石∶炉渣∶菇渣的体积比为1∶1∶0)均相对最优分别为,Chla为0.62 mg/cm^(2)、Chla+b为0.82 mg/cm^(2)、Caros为0.57 mg/cm^(2)、可溶性糖含量为0.66 mS/cm、可溶性蛋白含量为0.78 mS/cm,CK的Chlb、Anths含量最高分别为0.25、0.04 mg/cm^(2)。【结论】菇渣与蛭石的协同性较差不适宜混用培育辣椒幼苗;蛭石与炉渣的协同性较好,在新疆南疆温室条件下,CK(纯蛭石)适合培育辣椒幼苗。 【Objective】To select vermiculite from southern Xinjiang compounded with mushroom slag and furnace slag,and to screen the substrate formulation suitable for seedling of pepper in South Xinjiang greenhouse.【Methods】The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of Tarim University Horticultural Experiment Station from May to July 2021.The experiment was conducted in a randomized group design with pure vermiculite as the control,and seven treatment groups were set up to determine the physicochemical properties of different substrate formulations and the growth and physiological indexes of pepper such as plant height,stem thickness,root area and soluble sugar content.【Results】CK(pure vermiculite)could provide a good root growth environment for pepper,and the physicochemical properties of all treatment combinations met the standards of pepper seedling substrate except for T 2(vermiculite∶slag∶mushroom slag volume ratio of 1∶0∶1)and T 4(vermiculite∶slag∶mushroom slag volume ratio of 1∶1∶1)treatments.The maximum height of T2 plant was 8.5 cm,the thickest stem thickness of CK was 1.59 cm,the maximum leaf area of T 7(vermiculite∶slag∶mushroom slag volume ratio of 4∶1∶1)was 4.41 cm^(2),the maximum seedling emergence rate of CK was 90%,and the best root growth was 93.25 mm for the main root length,511.29 mm^(2) for the root area,21.33 root tips,and 49.8 mm for the average root length,respectively.49.8 mm,and the physiological indexes of T 1(vermiculite∶slag∶mushroom slag volume ratio of 1∶1∶0)were relatively optimal as 0.62 mg/cm^(2) for Chl a,0.82 mg/cm^(2) for Chl a+b,0.53 mg/cm^(2) for Caros,0.66 mS/cm for soluble sugar,0.78 mS/cm for soluble protein.The highest Chl b and Anths content of CK was 0.25 mg/cm^(2) and 0.04 mg/cm^(2) respectively.【Conclusion】After the comprehensive evaluation,the conclusion is obtained,that is,the synergistic properties of mushroom residue and vermiculite are poor and unsuitable for mixed use in the cultivation of pepper seedlings;the synergistic properties of vermiculite and slag are better,and the analysis of principal components and comprehensive evaluation shows that under the greenhouse conditions in southern Xinjiang,CK(pure vermiculite)is suitable for cultivation of pepper seedlings.
作者 刘衍晨 刘志刚 白新慧 乔鹏 徐诚 白慧敏 张娟 LIU Yanchen;LIU Zhigang;BAI Xinhui;QIAO Peng;XU Cheng;BAI Huiming;ZHANG Juan(College of Plant Science,Tarim University,Aral Xinjiang 843300,China;National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of High Efficiency and Superior-Quality Cultivation and Fruit Deep Processing Technology on Characteristic Fruit Trees in Southern Xinjiang,Tarim University,Alar Xinjiang 843300,China;Turpan Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Turpan Xinjiang 838000,China)
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1190-1199,共10页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 兵团科技攻关项目“南疆非农地无土栽培基质研发与应用示范”(2018BB046)。
关键词 蛭石 辣椒 理化性质 生长指标 生理指标 vermiculite pepper physical and chemical properties growth index physiological index
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