

Transnational Zhuang People:Study on the Problem and Governance of People Who were from Shanglin County of Guangxi to Dig Gold in Africa
摘要 广西上林县是少数民族聚居地,壮族占总人口78.2%,跨国挖金的三个主要乡镇平均超过90%为壮族人。2006年该县始赴非洲挖金,2013年近两万人集聚加纳,后因加纳整顿小型金矿导致人数骤减,2021年不足2000人。此跨国挖金出现了生态破坏、金融债务、安全威胁、非法滞留等问题,公共权力对此问题的治理起到主导作用。对输出地而言,县政府通过极大缩减海外投资挖金贷款和严控出境管理申请手段遏制跨国挖金浪潮;对输入地而言,加纳政府出动军警打击小型金矿开采,遣返非法滞留者。公共权力治理方式虽见效快,但不能根本解决民间跨国挖金需求,或许县政府可引导社会力量,推动组建跨国公司,提高抗风险能力的同时实现跨国挖金活动的合法化、规模化运作。 Shanglin County of Guangxi is the area of ethnic minorities,that Zhuang people is accounting for 78.2 percent of the total population,and there are more than 90 percent Zhuang people of the three main towns which people are digging gold internationally.In 2006,the county began to go to Africa for digging gold.In 2013,nearly 20,000 people gathered in Ghana.Later,because of the rectification of small gold mines in Ghana,a large number of Shanglin people withdrew from Ghana,and the rest of 2,000 people remained abroad in 2021.In the process of cross-border digging gold,there were becoming ecological damage,financial debt,safety,illegal stay and other problems,and public power played a leading role in the governance of these problems.For the export area,the county government suppressed the tide of cross-border digging gold by greatly reducing the loan amount of investment digging gold and strictly controlling the application for exit management.For the import area,the Ghanaian government has used its public power to crack down on small-scale gold mining and repatriate illegal residents.Although the public power governance mode has a quick effect,it couldn’t fundamentally solve the problem of the demand of private transnational digging gold.Perhaps the county government could guide the social organizations and help them to establish transnational corporations,improve the anti-risk ability and realize the legalization and large-scale operation of transnational digging gold activities.
作者 张贵集 ZHANG Gui-ji
机构地区 暨南大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 北大核心 2023年第1期35-41,共7页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“海外华人与人类命运共同体研究”(批准号:21&ZD022)的阶段性成果。
关键词 治理 挖金群体 壮族 广西上林 Governance The group of digging gold Zhuang Shanglin County of Guangxi
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