

A Study of Macbeth from the Perspective of Spatial Narrative
摘要 莎士比亚一生创作无数,其中不乏许多脍炙人口的作品。作为莎士比亚“四大悲剧”中篇幅最短且充满戏剧张力的戏剧,《麦克白》运用了一系列独创的表现手法和叙述元素来展现人物的内心活动和心理变化。近年来,叙事学研究一直受到不少国内外研究者的强烈关注,“空间转向”也在人文社科领域快速发展,该转向为文学批评实践提供了丰富的理论启发。研究者把文学空间与叙事学研究相结合,并进行了深入探讨,将空间叙事与文学作品创造性结合也成为叙事学发展的新热点。该文将以亨利·列斐伏尔提出的物质空间、社会空间以及心理空间为理论基础对《麦克白》中的戏剧空间进行深入分析,进一步阐释莎剧中所蕴含的丰富意蕴及独特的叙述艺术。 Shakespeare wrote numerous works throughout his life,many of which are popular.As the shortest and full of dramatic tension drama among Shakespeare's four tragedies,Macbeth uses a series of original expression techniques and narrative elements to show the characters'inner activities and psychological changes.In recent years,narrative studies have been receiving strong attention from many researchers at home and abroad,and the"spatial turn"has been developing rapidly in the field of humanities and social sciences,which has provided rich theoretical inspiration for the practice of literary criticism.Researchers have explored in depth the further deepening of the integration of literary space and narrative studies,and the creative integration of spatial narratives with literary works has become a new hotspot in the development of narrative studies.Based on Henri Lefebvre's theory of physical space,social space and psychological space,this paper will make an in-depth analysis of the dramatic space in Macbeth,and further explain the rich meaning and unique narrative art contained in Shakespeare's plays.
作者 周存磊 张之燕 ZHOU Cunlei;ZHANG Zhiyan(East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai,200237,China)
机构地区 华东理工大学
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2023年第10期11-15,共5页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“莎士比亚戏剧本源系统整理与传承比较研究”(项目编号:19ZDA294)的阶段成果。
关键词 《麦克白》 空间叙事 莎士比亚 物质空间 心理空间 社会空间 Macbeth Space narrative Shakespeare Physical space Psychological space Social space
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